July 2003 Archives by author
Starting: Tue Jul 1 01:14:01 UTC 2003
Ending: Thu Jul 31 14:00:22 UTC 2003
Messages: 193
- [Yum] state of the yum
Grigory Bakunov
- [Yum] state of the yum
Grigory Bakunov
- [Yum] state of the yum
Grigory Bakunov
- [Yum] state of the yum
Grigory Bakunov
- [Yum] HTTP/FTP Authentication
Grigory Bakunov
- [Yum] HTTP/FTP Authentication
Grigory Bakunov
- [Yum] yum's awesome, ideas
Grigory Bakunov
- [Yum] Re: yum mirroring
Grigory Bakunov
- [Yum] Iraq Business News
Alvin at Beard.Com
- [Yum] yum's awesome, ideas
Robert G. Brown
- [Yum] Re: yum mirroring
Robert G. Brown
- [Yum] Re: yum mirroring
Robert G. Brown
- [Yum] yumtunnel and ignore-failure
Robert G. Brown
- [Yum] yum's awesome, ideas
Robert G. Brown
- [Yum] yum-suck available
Robert G. Brown
- [Yum] yum-suck available
Robert G. Brown
- [Yum] Re: yum] How do I get yum to mirror an RPM repository?
Dan Burcaw
- [Yum] RfE - yum upgrade
Piero Calucci
- [Yum] yum-arch question
Carroll, Jim P
- [Yum] Yum updating...itself?
Theresa Chen
- [Yum] kernel module distribution via yum?
Lars Damerow
- [Yum] Re: yum] How do I get yum to mirror an RPM repository?
Troy Dawson
- [Yum] yum's awesome, ideas
Aleksander Demko
- [Yum] Re: yum mirroring
Aleksander Demko
- [Yum] Re: yum mirroring
Aleksander Demko
- [Yum] yum's awesome, ideas
Aleksander Demko
- [Yum] yum-suck available
Aleksander Demko
- [Yum] Re: yum mirroring
Aleksander Demko
- [Yum] yum's awesome, ideas
Aleksander Demko
- [Yum] cron on by default
Aleksander Demko
- [Yum] Re: cron on by default
Aleksander Demko
- [Yum] yum-suck available
Aleksander Demko
- [Yum] yum-suck available
Aleksander Demko
- [Yum] yum-suck available
Aleksander Demko
- [Yum] yum-sync
Aleksander Demko
- [Yum] Re: yum] Yum updating...itself?
Tom Diehl
- [Yum] Building Custom Yum RPM's
Tom Diehl
- [Yum] Building Custom Yum RPM's
Tom Diehl
- [Yum] Re: yum mirroring
Tom Diehl
- [Yum] yum's awesome, ideas
Tom Diehl
- [Yum] Is there a stop by step guide for yum?
Angel Gabriel
- [Yum] How do I get yum to mirror an RPM repository?
Angel Gabriel
- [Yum] yum's awesome, ideas
Angel Gabriel
- [Yum] state of the yum
Chris Geddings
- [Yum] Is there a stop by step guide for yum?
Chris Geddings
- [Yum] HTTP/FTP Authentication
Dan Goodes
- [Yum] remote distro upgrade
Troy A. Griffitts
- [Yum] Re: yum] feature request: which channel are we installing from?
R P Herrold
- [Yum] Re: yum] feature request: which channel are we installing from?
R P Herrold
- [Yum] Re: yum] Re: yum] feature request: which channel are we installing from?
R P Herrold
- [Yum] slimming down -- runaway dependencies
R P Herrold
- [Yum] slimming down -- runaway dependencies
R P Herrold
- [Yum] Re: yum] Yum updating...itself?
R P Herrold
- [Yum] Re: yum] HTTP/FTP Authentication
R P Herrold
- [Yum] Re: yum] Re: yum] HTTP/FTP Authentication
R P Herrold
- [Yum] Re: yum] How do I get yum to mirror an RPM repository?
R P Herrold
- [Yum] kernel module distribution via yum?
Bill Rugolsky Jr.
- [Yum] setting up repos for RHAS
Brian Lalor
- [Yum] setting up repos for RHAS
Brian Lalor
- [Yum] feature request: which channel are we installing from?
Brian Lalor
- [Yum] feature request: which channel are we installing from?
Brian Lalor
- [Yum] feature request: which channel are we installing from?
Brian Lalor
- [Yum] multiple versions of packages not shown by yum
Brian Lalor
- [Yum] multiple versions of packages not shown by yum
Brian Lalor
- [Yum] Re: yum] feature request: which channel are we installing from?
Brian Lalor
- [Yum] Warning: E-mail viruses detected
- [Yum] RFE: check-update formatting
Damian Menscher
- [Yum] Yum works great on Redhat Advanced Workstation IA64
Najib Ninaba
- [Yum] Howto add repositories
Dirk Ouellette
- [Yum] yum does not find an installed perl module
Peter Peltonen
- [Yum] yum does not find an installed perl module
Peter Peltonen
- [Yum] yum does not find an installed perl module
Peter Peltonen
- [Yum] about dir structure: i386 and i686 to diff dirs or not?
Peter Peltonen
- [Yum] HTTP/FTP Authentication
Jeremy Portzer
- [Yum] Hard Links problem
Murali Potla
- [Yum] Hard Links problem
Murali Potla
- [Yum] RPM directory of hard links
Murali Potla
- [Yum] HTTP/FTP Authentication
Konstantin Riabitsev
- [Yum] yum-suck available
Konstantin Riabitsev
- [Yum] setting up repos for RHAS
Matthias Saou
- [Yum] Re: yum] feature request: which channel are we installing from?
Matthias Saou
- [Yum] Gzip timestamp nullification in 1.0 branch?
Matthias Saou
- Yum 2.0 on Red Hat Linux 7.3 (was: Re: [Yum] Gzip timestamp nullification in 1.0 branch?)
Matthias Saou
- [Yum] Yum 2.0 on Red Hat Linux 7.3
Matthias Saou
- [Yum] yum-arch question
Matthias Saou
- [Yum] Yum trying to install wrong kernels
Matthias Saou
- [Yum] Yum trying to install wrong kernels
Matthias Saou
- [Yum] Feature Request: ignore nonupgradable packages on update option
Mark Schreiber
- [Yum] Yum 2.0 on Red Hat Linux 7.3
Connie Sieh
- [Yum] yum does not find an installed perl module
Ville Skyttä
- [Yum] yum does not find an installed perl module
Ville Skyttä
- [Yum] kernel module distribution via yum?
Ville Skyttä
- [Yum] HTTP/FTP Authentication
Ville Skyttä
- [Yum] yum's awesome, ideas
Eric V. Smith
- [Yum] feature request: which channel are we installing from?
Michael Stenner
- [Yum] Hard Links problem
Michael Stenner
- [Yum] HTTP/FTP Authentication
Michael Stenner
- [Yum] Re: yum] HTTP/FTP Authentication
Michael Stenner
- [Yum] HTTP/FTP Authentication
Michael Stenner
- [Yum] HTTP/FTP Authentication
Michael Stenner
- [Yum] HTTP/FTP Authentication
Michael Stenner
- [Yum] yum's awesome, ideas
Michael Stenner
- [Yum] Re: yum] How do I get yum to mirror an RPM repository?
Michael Stenner
- [Yum] Re: yum] How do I get yum to mirror an RPM repository?
Michael Stenner
- [Yum] RPM directory of hard links
Michael Stenner
- [Yum] HTTP/FTP Authentication
Michael Stenner
- [Yum] HTTP/FTP Authentication
Michael Stenner
- [Yum] yum's awesome, ideas
Michael Stenner
- [Yum] yum's awesome, ideas
Michael Stenner
- [Yum] RPM directory of hard links
Michael Stenner
- [Yum] HTTP redirects
Axel Thimm
- [Yum] Building kernel modules (was: kernel module distribution via yum?)
Axel Thimm
- [Yum] Yum 2.0 on Red Hat Linux 7.3
Axel Thimm
- [Yum] Re: yum] Re: yum] HTTP/FTP Authentication
Rick Thomas
- [Yum] First experiences with Yum
Jos Vos
- [Yum] feature request: which channel are we installing from?
Jim Wildman
- [Yum] Re: yum] feature request: which channel are we installing from?
Jim Wildman
- [Yum] yum upgrading rhl9->severn
Jim Wildman
- [Yum] Re: yum mirroring
Jim Wildman
- [Yum] (no subject)
CortAlbr at aol.com
- [Yum] webpage update
- [Yum] Re: yum] Re: yum] feature request: which channel are we installing from?
- [Yum] Groups Support?
nathan r. hruby
- [Yum] yumgoups.xml in all repos?
nathan r. hruby
- [Yum] yumgoups.xml in all repos?
nathan r. hruby
- [Yum] Building Custom Yum RPM's
nathan r. hruby
- Yum 2.0 on Red Hat Linux 7.3 (was: Re: [Yum] Gzip timestamp nullification in 1.0 branch?)
nathan r. hruby
- [Yum] Yum is the perfect installer !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- [Yum] setting up repos for RHAS
seth vidal
- [Yum] setting up repos for RHAS
seth vidal
- [Yum] setting up repos for RHAS
seth vidal
- [Yum] new 1.0.X daily
seth vidal
- [Yum] new 2.x branch daily
seth vidal
- [Yum] feature request: which channel are we installing from?
seth vidal
- [Yum] Yum is the perfect installer !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
seth vidal
- [Yum] feature request: which channel are we installing from?
seth vidal
- [Yum] feature request: which channel are we installing from?
seth vidal
- [Yum] Feature Request: ignore nonupgradable packages on update option
seth vidal
- [Yum] feature request: which channel are we installing from?
seth vidal
- [Yum] multiple versions of packages not shown by yum
seth vidal
- [Yum] multiple versions of packages not shown by yum
seth vidal
- [Yum] new daily for 2.0/rpm 4.1.1 and above branch
seth vidal
- [Yum] remote distro upgrade
seth vidal
- [Yum] Re: yum] feature request: which channel are we installing from?
seth vidal
- [Yum] Re: yum] feature request: which channel are we installing from?
seth vidal
- [Yum] Groups Support?
seth vidal
- [Yum] state of the yum
seth vidal
- [Yum] state of the yum
seth vidal
- [Yum] state of the yum
seth vidal
- [Yum] state of the yum
seth vidal
- [Yum] slimming down -- runaway dependencies
seth vidal
- [Yum] yum 2.0
seth vidal
- [Yum] yumgoups.xml in all repos?
seth vidal
- [Yum] yumgoups.xml in all repos?
seth vidal
- [Yum] Yum updating...itself?
seth vidal
- [Yum] Re: yum] Yum updating...itself?
seth vidal
- [Yum] HTTP redirects
seth vidal
- [Yum] Building Custom Yum RPM's
seth vidal
- [Yum] Building Custom Yum RPM's
seth vidal
- [Yum] Building Custom Yum RPM's
seth vidal
- [Yum] Gzip timestamp nullification in 1.0 branch?
seth vidal
- [Yum] Yum 2.0 on Red Hat Linux 7.3
seth vidal
- [Yum] Yum 2.0 on Red Hat Linux 7.3
seth vidal
- [Yum] Yum 2.0 on Red Hat Linux 7.3
seth vidal
- [Yum] kernel module distribution via yum?
seth vidal
- [Yum] yum upgrading rhl9->severn
seth vidal
- [Yum] yum-arch question
seth vidal
- [Yum] RfE - yum upgrade
seth vidal
- [Yum] yum-arch question
seth vidal
- [Yum] Yum trying to install wrong kernels
seth vidal
- [Yum] Yum trying to install wrong kernels
seth vidal
- [Yum] Hard Links problem
seth vidal
- [Yum] vacation
seth vidal
- [Yum] HTTP/FTP Authentication
seth vidal
- [Yum] HTTP/FTP Authentication
seth vidal
- [Yum] Re: yum mirroring
seth vidal
- [Yum] Re: yum mirroring
seth vidal
- [Yum] RFE: check-update formatting
seth vidal
- [Yum] First experiences with Yum
seth vidal
- [Yum] yum's awesome, ideas
seth vidal
- [Yum] yum's awesome, ideas
seth vidal
- [Yum] HTTP/FTP Authentication
seth vidal
- [Yum] yum's awesome, ideas
seth vidal
- [Yum] yum's awesome, ideas
seth vidal
- [Yum] yum-suck available
seth vidal
- [Yum] Re: cron on by default
seth vidal
- [Yum] yum-suck available
seth vidal
- [Yum] yum-suck available
seth vidal
- [Yum] yum-suck available
seth vidal
- [Yum] Re: yum mirroring
seth vidal
- [Yum] about dir structure: i386 and i686 to diff dirs or not?
seth vidal
- [Yum] Howto add repositories
seth vidal
- [Yum] yum's awesome, ideas
seth vidal
Last message date:
Thu Jul 31 14:00:22 UTC 2003
Archived on: Thu Sep 25 21:38:09 UTC 2008
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).