[Yum] yum 2.0

seth vidal skvidal at phy.duke.edu
Mon Jul 14 03:51:42 UTC 2003

Hi Everyone,
 Yum 2.0 is out - this release is called 'yes, I know I skipped 1.99'.

Yum is an automatic dependency resolving tool for rpm. It can install,
remove, and update rpm-based systems easily.
more info here: http://linux.duke.edu/yum/

New features in yum 2.0:
o --version - actually outputs a version string!
o --installroot=/some/chroot - lets you do chroot'd installs via yum
o tolerant mode added for the command line arguments for package
transactions (read the docs, it'll make more sense)
o per-server excludes
o gzip timestamp nullification implemented - to make all the rsync'ers
o changed yum list layout to include epochs and repo

A lot of bugs have been fixed in this release  - the major reason why I
labeled it 2.0


srpm for red hat linux 9 or something close:
rpm for red hat linux 9 or something close:

Let me know if it breaks or if I missed something stupid requiring an
immediate fix.


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