[Yum] remote distro upgrade

seth vidal skvidal at phy.duke.edu
Fri Jul 11 04:34:13 UTC 2003

On Tue, 2003-07-08 at 19:23, Troy A. Griffitts wrote:
> Hey guys,
> 	I'd like to update a remote server from RH7.2 to RH9.  Is this 
> possible?  I read a thread back in May that talked about 7.3->9 failing 
> at the lilo/grub update.  I was wondering if I could get current 
> information regarding this.  If the state is the same, could you give me 
> a little more detail about where the boot upgrade fails?  Do I have to 
> continue to install grub on the box and to the boot sector, or just add 
> to the config file?  Thank you for the great installer!  There are no 
> other options that I've found that even attempt a remote distro upgrade!

Hi, I'm a slacker for not responding.

The list of things you need to do to upgrade from 7.3 to 9 from the
thread in may are still accurate. I don't think I moved the loading of
the python modules for handling the kernel stuff around enough for it to
not traceback.

but the only thing you'll have to do is add it to the grub.conf or the
lilo.conf - the kernel packages are all installed and happy its just
needing to be set to be the boot kernel.


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