[Yum] multiple versions of packages not shown by yum

seth vidal skvidal at phy.duke.edu
Thu Jul 10 16:44:44 UTC 2003

On Thu, 2003-07-10 at 09:18, Brian Lalor wrote:
> I've got multiple versions of the kernel package on my laptop.  "rpm -q 
> kernel" shows both of them, but "yum list kernel" only shows the installed one 
> with the most recent release number and an additional one available for 
> upgrade.  Please tell me this is a bug... :-)  I'm using 
> yum-1.98-3.20030707.rh9.fr from the FreshRPMs channel[1].
> [1] http://ayo.freshrpms.net/redhat/9/i386/freshrpms/

it's not a bug per-se.
Its more of a design suprise.

What is it prohibiting you from doing?

it's intended to be 'corrected' in a later version but it will take some
reworking of a class to make it happen.


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