[Yum] code cleanup: one function in one source: readHeader

Vladimir Bormotov bor at vb.dn.ua
Sun Jul 21 19:38:23 UTC 2002

		Hi, seth!

>>>>> "sv" == seth vidal <skvidal at phy.duke.edu> writes:

>>  Are we need three readHeader implementation?
>>  grep -A10 "def readHeader" *py
>>  as result, clientStuff-version have more advanced error checking.

 sv> There are "three" for a kinda silly reason - depchecktree.py is an
 sv> entirely independent program that I included b/c I was planning on
 sv> splitting it out and making it useful - just haven't done so yet -
 sv> there is one in serverStuff vs one in clientStuff b/c I considered
 sv> having a yum-arch pkg separate from the yum-client pkg.

 yum so small, whether is sense to divide package?
 sv> so I duped the function anticipating that split.

 sv> I might still do that but I understand your point.

 I offer to allocate the common functions in a separate module.
 package.py, rpmStuff.py, pkgStuff.py, pkg_tools.py...
 I do not know, I like all these names;-)

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