[Yum] code cleanup: one function in one source
Vladimir Bormotov
bor at vb.dn.ua
Sun Jul 14 18:35:24 UTC 2002
Hi, Michael!
>>>>> "MS" == Michael Stenner <mstenner at phy.duke.edu> writes:
>> MS> Sure, you could try and import the module and catch the exception,
>> MS> but I think it's cleaner to determine what platform you're on, and
>> MS> then import the appropriate modules and set up the functions
>> MS> appropriately.
>> of course, try-import-except-import not so good. But, again - yum not in
>> this case, and local import in specific function no so good too.
MS> I said multiple times that I wasn't addressing the specific examples
MS> in yum.
This is Yum-MailList and (IMHO) not yum-specific talks should be moved to
another place.
>> Look inside. Any heavy modules? Just say, which module we can classify
>> as "heavy module".
MS> again... not talking about yum specifically.
IMHO, "talk about where we need to place import statement in ANY Python
project" is a time spending.
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