[Yum] new daily release and other info

Michael Stenner mstenner at phy.duke.edu
Mon Jul 8 17:06:04 UTC 2002

On Mon, Jul 08, 2002 at 12:58:12PM -0400, seth vidal wrote:
> I hate it when you have perfectly valid points :)
> this makes sense - it might be useful to have a yum -r option that
> randomizes how long before it executes - defaulting to off, of course.

That's a very reasonable point.  I suggest it take an argument that is
the maximum delay, so you can have

yum -r 3600

Internally, you can just have the default be 0.  Basically it's simple
enough and common enough that it makes sense to build into yum.  I
might suggest uppercase R or a long option, though.  I prefer to leave
the lower case options for common command line args that are
frequently typed by a human.

(I think this may be exactly what rgb was suggestion... if so, sorry
for the redundancy)

  Michael Stenner                       Office Phone: 919-660-2513
  Duke University, Dept. of Physics       mstenner at phy.duke.edu
  Box 90305, Durham N.C. 27708-0305

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