[Yum-devel] [PATCH] Add yum locking to YumUtilsBase move the locking process information from yummain.py into utils.py, so we can't share it and have the same output for both yum-cli and yum-utils tools using YumUtilsBase.

Tim Lauridsen tim.lauridsen at googlemail.com
Sat Oct 17 11:51:29 UTC 2009

 utils.py   |   89 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 yummain.py |   76 ++-------------------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 91 insertions(+), 74 deletions(-)

diff --git a/utils.py b/utils.py
index a053720..3ef1e40 100644
--- a/utils.py
+++ b/utils.py
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ from yum import logginglevels
 from optparse import OptionGroup
 import yum.plugins as plugins
+from urlgrabber.progress import format_number
 def suppress_keyboard_interrupt_message():
     old_excepthook = sys.excepthook
@@ -38,6 +38,88 @@ def suppress_keyboard_interrupt_message():
     sys.excepthook = new_hook
+def jiffies_to_seconds(jiffies):
+    Hertz = 100 # FIXME: Hack, need to get this, AT_CLKTCK elf note *sigh*
+    return int(jiffies) / Hertz
+def seconds_to_ui_time(seconds):
+    if seconds >= 60 * 60 * 24:
+        return "%d day(s) %d:%02d:%02d" % (seconds / (60 * 60 * 24),
+                                           (seconds / (60 * 60)) % 24,
+                                           (seconds / 60) % 60,
+                                           seconds % 60)
+    if seconds >= 60 * 60:
+        return "%d:%02d:%02d" % (seconds / (60 * 60), (seconds / 60) % 60,
+                                 (seconds % 60))
+    return "%02d:%02d" % ((seconds / 60), seconds % 60)
+def get_process_info(pid):
+    if not pid:
+        return
+    # Maybe true if /proc isn't mounted, or not Linux ... or something.
+    if (not os.path.exists("/proc/%d/status" % pid) or
+        not os.path.exists("/proc/stat") or
+        not os.path.exists("/proc/%d/stat" % pid)):
+        return
+    ps = {}
+    for line in open("/proc/%d/status" % pid):
+        if line[-1] != '\n':
+            continue
+        data = line[:-1].split(':\t', 1)
+        if len(data) < 2:
+            continue
+        if data[1].endswith(' kB'):
+            data[1] = data[1][:-3]
+        ps[data[0].strip().lower()] = data[1].strip()
+    if 'vmrss' not in ps:
+        return
+    if 'vmsize' not in ps:
+        return
+    boot_time = None
+    for line in open("/proc/stat"):
+        if line.startswith("btime "):
+            boot_time = int(line[len("btime "):-1])
+            break
+    if boot_time is None:
+        return
+    ps_stat = open("/proc/%d/stat" % pid).read().split()
+    ps['utime'] = jiffies_to_seconds(ps_stat[13])
+    ps['stime'] = jiffies_to_seconds(ps_stat[14])
+    ps['cutime'] = jiffies_to_seconds(ps_stat[15])
+    ps['cstime'] = jiffies_to_seconds(ps_stat[16])
+    ps['start_time'] = boot_time + jiffies_to_seconds(ps_stat[21])
+    ps['state'] = {'R' : _('Running'),
+                   'S' : _('Sleeping'),
+                   'D' : _('Uninteruptable'),
+                   'Z' : _('Zombie'),
+                   'T' : _('Traced/Stopped')
+                   }.get(ps_stat[2], _('Unknown'))
+    return ps
+def show_lock_owner(pid, logger):
+    if not pid:
+        return
+    ps = get_process_info(pid)
+    # This yumBackend isn't very friendly, so...
+    if ps['name'] == 'yumBackend.py':
+        nmsg = _("  The other application is: PackageKit")
+    else:
+        nmsg = _("  The other application is: %s") % ps['name']
+    logger.critical("%s", nmsg)
+    logger.critical(_("    Memory : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)") %
+                    (format_number(int(ps['vmrss']) * 1024),
+                     format_number(int(ps['vmsize']) * 1024)))
+    ago = seconds_to_ui_time(int(time.time()) - ps['start_time'])
+    logger.critical(_("    Started: %s - %s ago") %
+                    (time.ctime(ps['start_time']), ago))
+    logger.critical(_("    State  : %s, pid: %d") % (ps['state'], pid))
 class YumUtilBase(YumBaseCli):
     def __init__(self,name,ver,usage):
@@ -48,6 +130,9 @@ class YumUtilBase(YumBaseCli):
         self._option_group = OptionGroup(self._parser, "%s options" % self._utilName,"")
+        logger = logging.getLogger("yum.util")
+        verbose_logger = logging.getLogger("yum.verbose.util")
     def getOptionParser(self):
         return self._parser        
@@ -66,6 +151,7 @@ class YumUtilBase(YumBaseCli):
                     lockerr = "%s" %(e.msg,)
                 self.logger.critical("Another app is currently holding the yum lock; waiting for it to exit...")  
+                show_lock_owner(e.pid, self.logger)
@@ -124,6 +210,7 @@ class YumUtilBase(YumBaseCli):
            really just a shorthand for testing"""
         # FIXME - we need another way to do this, I think.
+            self.waitForLock()
             self._getRepos(doSetup = True)
diff --git a/yummain.py b/yummain.py
index b2a09cc..465ceec 100755
--- a/yummain.py
+++ b/yummain.py
@@ -31,7 +31,8 @@ from yum import _
 from yum.i18n import to_unicode
 import yum.misc
 import cli
-from utils import suppress_keyboard_interrupt_message
+from utils import suppress_keyboard_interrupt_message, get_process_info, seconds_to_ui_time, \
+                  show_lock_owner
 def main(args):
     """This does all the real work"""
@@ -75,77 +76,6 @@ def main(args):
             return 200
         return 0
-    def jiffies_to_seconds(jiffies):
-        Hertz = 100 # FIXME: Hack, need to get this, AT_CLKTCK elf note *sigh*
-        return int(jiffies) / Hertz
-    def seconds_to_ui_time(seconds):
-        if seconds >= 60 * 60 * 24:
-            return "%d day(s) %d:%02d:%02d" % (seconds / (60 * 60 * 24),
-                                               (seconds / (60 * 60)) % 24,
-                                               (seconds / 60) % 60,
-                                               seconds % 60)
-        if seconds >= 60 * 60:
-            return "%d:%02d:%02d" % (seconds / (60 * 60), (seconds / 60) % 60,
-                                     (seconds % 60))
-        return "%02d:%02d" % ((seconds / 60), seconds % 60)
-    def show_lock_owner(pid):
-        if not pid:
-            return
-        # Maybe true if /proc isn't mounted, or not Linux ... or something.
-        if (not os.path.exists("/proc/%d/status" % pid) or
-            not os.path.exists("/proc/stat") or
-            not os.path.exists("/proc/%d/stat" % pid)):
-            return
-        ps = {}
-        for line in open("/proc/%d/status" % pid):
-            if line[-1] != '\n':
-                continue
-            data = line[:-1].split(':\t', 1)
-            if len(data) < 2:
-                continue
-            if data[1].endswith(' kB'):
-                data[1] = data[1][:-3]
-            ps[data[0].strip().lower()] = data[1].strip()
-        if 'vmrss' not in ps:
-            return
-        if 'vmsize' not in ps:
-            return
-        boot_time = None
-        for line in open("/proc/stat"):
-            if line.startswith("btime "):
-                boot_time = int(line[len("btime "):-1])
-                break
-        if boot_time is None:
-            return
-        ps_stat = open("/proc/%d/stat" % pid).read().split()
-        ps['utime'] = jiffies_to_seconds(ps_stat[13])
-        ps['stime'] = jiffies_to_seconds(ps_stat[14])
-        ps['cutime'] = jiffies_to_seconds(ps_stat[15])
-        ps['cstime'] = jiffies_to_seconds(ps_stat[16])
-        ps['start_time'] = boot_time + jiffies_to_seconds(ps_stat[21])
-        ps['state'] = {'R' : _('Running'),
-                       'S' : _('Sleeping'),
-                       'D' : _('Uninteruptable'),
-                       'Z' : _('Zombie'),
-                       'T' : _('Traced/Stopped')
-                       }.get(ps_stat[2], _('Unknown'))
-        # This yumBackend isn't very friendly, so...
-        if ps['name'] == 'yumBackend.py':
-            nmsg = _("  The other application is: PackageKit")
-        else:
-            nmsg = _("  The other application is: %s") % ps['name']
-        logger.critical("%s", nmsg)
-        logger.critical(_("    Memory : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)") %
-                        (base.format_number(int(ps['vmrss']) * 1024),
-                         base.format_number(int(ps['vmsize']) * 1024)))
-        ago = seconds_to_ui_time(int(time.time()) - ps['start_time'])
-        logger.critical(_("    Started: %s - %s ago") %
-                        (time.ctime(ps['start_time']), ago))
-        logger.critical(_("    State  : %s, pid: %d") % (ps['state'], pid))
     logger = logging.getLogger("yum.main")
     verbose_logger = logging.getLogger("yum.verbose.main")
@@ -171,7 +101,7 @@ def main(args):
                 lockerr = "%s" %(e.msg,)
             logger.critical(_("Another app is currently holding the yum lock; waiting for it to exit..."))
-            show_lock_owner(e.pid)
+            show_lock_owner(e.pid, logger)

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