[Yum-devel] Equivalent to 'yum update' via Python API?
MacCana, Mike (London)
mmaccana at maninvestments.com
Mon Jun 1 12:40:43 UTC 2009
Yep, it helps me see how awesome you are Seth - worked like a charm.
-----Original Message-----
From: yum-devel-bounces at lists.baseurl.org [mailto:yum-devel-bounces at lists.baseurl.org] On Behalf Of Seth Vidal
Sent: 28 May 2009 14:33
To: yum development
Subject: Re: [Yum-devel] Equivalent to 'yum update' via Python API?
On Thu, 28 May 2009, MacCana, Mike \(London\) wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I was wondering what the equiavlent to a 'yum update' via the API was?
> I've read the various snippets and 5 minute guide, and have working
> functions to install individual apps, but I can't seem to locate the right functions in either the yum or cli modules.
import yum
my = yum.YumBase()
update() is call you're looking for.
If nothing is passed to update() then it will attempt to update all pkgs on the system.
update(self, po=None, requiringPo=None, **kwargs)
try to mark for update the item(s) specified.
po is a package object - if that is there, mark it for update,
if possible
else use **kwargs to match the package needing update
if nothing is specified at all then attempt to update everything
returns the list of txmbr of the items it marked for update
does this help?
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