[Yum-devel] Release schedule for stable yum

Thomas Goirand thomas at goirand.fr
Wed Dec 9 14:58:33 UTC 2009

As I'm the maintainer of Yum in Debian, I wish to know what's the
current release schedule. How often is it released, and what's the plans
until next march.

The next Debian stable, code name Squeeze, is said to be feature freezed
on next march. At least that's the current target (we never really know
with Debian, it's out when it's ready, that's the only rule). What I
will do is do one more upload of yum in SID, early enough so it can be
migrated to testing and included in Squeeze. There's no need for me to
do that work many times, once, with a correct working version of yum,
would be fine. That's why I need to know what would be your advice on
when, and what version to pickup for an upload in Debian.

Maybe it would be worth to use an older, but more tested version? FYI:
Debian SID and testing (Squeeze) have version 3.2.23 currently.

Let me know,


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