[Yum-devel] [PATCH] Move default urlgrabber options into _default_grabopts(), apply them to mirrorlist grabs.

Ville Skyttä ville.skytta at iki.fi
Tue Dec 8 20:15:27 UTC 2009

On Tuesday 08 December 2009, James Antill wrote:
>  Most of this looks awesome, although I'm still a bit scared. I don't
> suppose you've tested against spacewalk have you ?:)

Nope, I've tested only on F-11 with the usual bunch of repositories I have 
configured.  I don't have a Spacewalk setup around so I hope someone else can 
take care of testing with it that.  (I know next to nothing about Spacewalk, 
not even why it is something that should be specifically/separately tested 

> > -            ug = URLGrabber(keepalive = self.keepalive,
> > -                            bandwidth = self.bandwidth,
> > -                            retry = self.retries,
> > -                            throttle = self.throttle,
> > -                            progress_obj = self.callback,
> > +            ugopts = self._default_grabopts(cache=False)
>  This bit can't be right though, the last line needs to be:
> +            ugopts = self._default_grabopts(cache=cache)

Right, thanks for the catch, there was another similar bug a bit further down.

Updated patch attached, only the above mentioned fixes applied and possible 
inaccuracy in the commit message changed.
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