[Yum-devel] Fastest Mirror Documentation patch

Kulbir Saini kulbirsaini at students.iiit.ac.in
Fri Mar 21 03:31:41 UTC 2008

Hi all!

	Long time back while I was getting started with Yum, I wrote 
documentation for fastestmirror yum plugin. I submitted that to this 
list, but it was never included. Probably because it was not written for 
the latest code of fastestmirror.

	I thought that I'll just port it to the latest code and will submit the 
patch. The attached documentation patch for fastestmirror was generated 
today with latest checked out code from yum-utils git tree.

	@lmacken Please include this if you can. My work will not go waste and 
it'll be of help to people who are try to get started with yum plugins :)

Thank you,
Kulbir Saini,
Computer Science and Engineering,
International Institute of Information Technology,
Hyderbad, India - 500032.

My Home-Page: http://saini.co.in/
My Institute: http://www.iiit.ac.in/
My Linux-Blog: http://linux.saini.co.in/

IRC nick : generalBordeaux
Channels : #fedora, #fedora-devel, #yum on freenode

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Name: fastestmirror_doc.patch
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