[Yum-devel] yum install /etc/init.d/nfs ... etc.

James Antill james.antill at redhat.com
Mon Mar 17 23:58:26 UTC 2008

 So maybe ya'll know what I'm about to say, but it took me a good long
while to work out wtf. was going on. Basic problem was/is that:

 yum install /etc/init.d/nfs

...doesn't work. I eventually found nfs-utils and installed it (rpm -qf
above file, on another box), and the above yum command still couldn't
find it ... I then tried:

 yum provides /etc/init.d/nfs

...and that worked! ... now I was very confused.

 Long story short, the file is actually "/etc/rc.d/init.d/nfs" ... but
returnInstalledPackagesByDep() finds it anyway due to the magic
fingerprinting that we all love so much.

 I'm going to half propose the following patch, mainly to hurt
skvidal :), but I guess we probably have this problem other places? And
I assume it's not that common for users to do the above (and very
uncommon for pkgs :).

 Maybe a better way to fix it would be to require that all Fedora pkgs
use either /etc/rc.d/init.d _or_ /etc/init.d ... dito. any other dirs.
we have that act the same way.
 Probably need a tool/rpmlint to find them.

James Antill <james.antill at redhat.com>
Red Hat
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