[Yum-devel] RFC: logging/output / using "new" functions in all of yum

James Antill james.antill at redhat.com
Mon Mar 10 19:39:55 UTC 2008

On Mon, 2008-03-10 at 11:15 -0400, James Antill wrote:

>  Anyway, I'll try and convert the rest of yum/*.py today and get another
> patch for people to look at ... with some stats. on what we are using
> where.

 So I've done this for **/*.py in the yum git repo., they apply on top
of each other:


...I've tested it a bit, with list, search and update (and yumex) ... so
it at least mostly works but there are a number of lines changed:

 14 files changed, 512 insertions(+), 452 deletions(-)

 stats. on usage

 This is just within yum, so that we can see what we are using atm. and
where we might want to cull functions ... here are the stats:

      0 dbg1  = self.logger.log(DEBUG_1)
      0 dbg4  = self.logger.log(DEBUG_4)
      0 info1 = self.logger.log(INFO_1)
      0 verr  = self.verbose_logger.error()
      0 vcrit = self.verbose_logger.critical()

      1 dbg2   = self.logger.log(DEBUG_2)
      1 dbg3   = self.logger.log(DEBUG_3)
      1 info2  = self.logger.log(INFO_2)
      1 vwarn  = self.verbose_logger.warning()
      3 vdbg3  = self.verbose_logger.log(DEBUG_3)
      4 vinfo1 = self.verbose_logger.log(INFO_1)
      6 err    = self.logger.error()
      9 warn   = self.logger.warning()
     10 info   = self.logger.info()
     11 vinfo  = self.verbose_logger.info()
     12 dbg    = self.logger.debug()
     17 vdbg1  = self.verbose_logger.log(DEBUG_1)
     19 vdbg4  = self.verbose_logger.log(DEBUG_4)
     28 vdbg   = self.verbose_logger.debug()
     30 vdbg2  = self.verbose_logger.log(DEBUG_2)
     59 crit   = self.logger.critical()
     59 vinfo2 = self.verbose_logger.log(INFO_2)

...this was got using:

perl -lne '/^\s+(v?)(dbg|info|crit|err|warn)([1234])?\(/ && print $1. $2 . $3' **/*.py | sort | uniq -c | sort -n

...from the top level of the git repo. and the zeros by working out what
was missing :)

James Antill <james.antill at redhat.com>
Red Hat
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