[Yum-devel] RFC: logging/output

James Antill james.antill at redhat.com
Sat Mar 8 07:37:38 UTC 2008

 So first off I'll try and list the problems with the current approach
to logging/output:

1. Function names are way to long, Eg.
self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.INFO_2, msg)

2. We have 20 distinct levels/interfaces right now ... not including

3. We don't cover the common cases well, for instance I think these
would be considered the common things you'd want:

i. quiet
ii. normal
iii. verbose
iv. debug (more in levels, sections or whatever).

...now IMO #iii is the biggest problem due to a bunch of debugging data
mixed in so isn't that usable/used.

4. Almost everything goes off of
YumBase.logger/YumBase.verbose_logger ... except some parts of the code
which don't have access to a YumBase object.

5. Also kind of related is that we don't have much in the way of good
output data utilities, for instance section headers.

...so the only thing I have for you to look at "solves" #1 and #4 (just
used in __init__ atm).
 Feel free to comment on anything. Patch at:


James Antill <james.antill at redhat.com>
Red Hat
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