[Yum-devel] Bleeding edge new feature

Leslie Satenstein lsatenstein at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 28 02:08:41 UTC 2007

I would like to see an option whereby I can defer updates of selected software that I choose by xx days. My idea is that for certain updates, I don't want to be first to receive them, ergo, I don't want to be on the bleeding edge.

I thought that since we have a yum config file that has the exclude statement, that we could use the same parameter, only with an option.  Here is an example

exclude  xconfig.*  --delay(10,yum,yumex,othermodule), kernel

For the comparison date, I would use the directory timestamp of the rpm file.  The fact that we may be off a day or two due to timezone differences does not bother me. I just don't want to be the first to install certain updates.


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