[Yum-devel] How does one go about requesting new features?

James Bowes jbowes at redhat.com
Tue Nov 6 16:43:57 UTC 2007

On Tue, Nov 06, 2007 at 05:38:15AM -0800, Leslie Satenstein wrote:
> Subject line says it all.
>   I would like a bleeding death type of protection option.  For a select group of packages or modules, I would like to delay by XX days, it's upgrade or implementation.
>   I have thought about how to do it and came up with this idea.
>   yum.conf file accepts an   exclude   parameter.
>   Could a sub parameter be included as follows:
>   exclude --delaydays=(xx,module1,module2,module2)  othermodule1 othermodule2
>   The comparison for days would use the mtime of the rpm package.
>   Why the delay?
>   To often, a fix goes out to the community for a critical module, critical to the end-user.
>   It gets installed that same day, and then individuals find out that the fix is defective, and hence, they need to recover. Not everyone uses rpm's recovery facility.
>   By delaying xx days, one can allow others to discover the bug, my system was not damaged.  
>   Rationale: In the xx days following the release of the modules listed between parenthesis, if there was no withdraw of said module, it would go in. If there was a fix to the fix, the latter would eventually go in.

IMO this is best solved by testing repos, ie updates-testing vs. updates
in Fedora. If there is enough people tracking updates-testing, any
problems should be found before the package reaches updates.

In the case of security fixes which go directly to updates, you could
argue that you're better off with something that doesn't work at all,
than something which exposes you to a security risk.

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