[Yum-devel] [RFC] hardware specific repo + disable repo if 404

seth vidal skvidal at linux.duke.edu
Wed Mar 28 15:23:06 UTC 2007

On Wed, 2007-03-28 at 10:09 -0500, Michael E Brown wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 28, 2007 at 01:44:35AM -0400, seth vidal wrote:
> > On Tue, 2007-03-27 at 17:01 -0500, Michael E Brown wrote:
> > > 1) Does anybody have any objections to doing it this way? Is this the
> > > best way to do this?
> > > 
> > > 2) How do I supress the urlgrabber error output? I still get the
> > > following error output even though everything appears to complete
> > > successfully:
> > > 
> Thanks for the feedback, Seth. I really appreciate it.
> Did you have any feedback for the first part, ie. setting yumvars?
> > 
> > How would the use distinguish  b/t this repo doesn't exist and the site
> > is down? How would yum? Why is having it return a 404 and not just an
> > empty repo better?
> Excellent points to which I dont have any really good answers. I couldnt
> think of any bad consequences to having the user run without the
> hw-specific repo if there were, eg. a spurious 404 error.
> > the url above could easily be a cgi with a redirect in it. If your
> At the point where I coded this, I didnt believe that I had the
> permissions to run CGI on our system. Turns out I was wrong. I've
> whipped up a quick shell script that redirects to an empty repo for
> unknown system ids. My only problem now is that I am running an actual
> CGI, so this is going to scale like crap. My server-side is a 2x1Ghz
> PIII system - a 5 year old Dell PowerEdge 2450. It is going to run out
> of steam quickly running cgi's. (and no, I dont have admin access to the
> box.)
> > systemid has a repo, it sends you there, if not it sends you to an empty
> > repo.
> I suppose another concern would be people who want to mirror my repo but
> cant run cgi scripts.

then try this:

1. put aliases in for apache
2. have the 404 errordocument be a redirect to the empty repo.


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