[Yum-devel] tsInfoDelta curiosity

James Bowes jbowes at redhat.com
Fri Mar 23 13:48:32 UTC 2007

seth vidal wrote:
> okay, we might be able to scoot around this problem but I'll work on the
> following changes:
> 1. make sure that every separate call to resolveDeps resets the
> tsInfoDeltas
>    - so that if someone does: install foo; ts solve; remove bar; they
> don't end up not rechecking foo in light of bar being removed

I ain't not got no problem with this.

> 2. we probably need to enhance _checkRemove to make sure it does:
>    a. account for any installed pkg requiring anything provided by the
> pkg being removed
>    b. account for any package_to_be_installed/updated requiring anything
> provided by the pkg being removed
>     - I think it's just an ordering problem right now but I might end up
> with a separate semi-private method like _provideToPkg() but kinda the
> opposite (_requiredDep())
> does that make sense to everyone?

Yeah. I think the main trick is that for every package we add to the
transaction, we have to consider it with respect to all installed
packages, as well as every package that is currently in the transaction.
IIRC, this is what the delta stuff did partway; the broken bit was
removal. So what you're describing should cover it all.


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