[Yum-devel] [RFC][PATCH] Use a user-defined function for filelists searching

seth vidal skvidal at linux.duke.edu
Fri Mar 9 13:39:16 UTC 2007

On Tue, 2007-03-06 at 11:05 -0500, James Bowes wrote:
> The attached patch adds a user-defined sqlite function for use during
> searchFiles in sqlitesack. Essentially, for each row in the table,
> sqlite calls out to a python function that reassembles the full path,
> and runs the glob function on it.
> I'd like some feedback on this, because the sql to python dance is not
> straightforward, and I would also appreciate seeing some other numbers
> on the run times.
> I have seen the time for 'yum provides "*zsh*"' go from 24s to 19s on a
> 2.8 GHz Xeon, and from 12s to 11s on my laptop (whose stats escape me
> now). One second may not be enough to bother, which is why I'd like to
> see what other people experience.

are the results the same on this function as the other?

If so I think it makes sense to merge it in. I can also give it a whirl
on the olpc box to see if the results are more apparent there.


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