[Yum-devel] ranked multiterm searching

James Antill jantill at redhat.com
Tue Jun 5 15:38:44 UTC 2007

On Tue, 2007-06-05 at 17:12 +0200, Florian Festi wrote:
> Hi!
> >  Well one of the reasons google can get away with this is that they only
> > display the first X matches. Doing that in yum search, by default, would
> > probably up the usability too.
> >  Maybe yum search --all-matches, for the everything?
> If you do that you need a parameter where to start with the results to be 
> able to see the "next pages" and even an parameter for the "page 
> size"/number of results.

 Well, I'm not sure you'd want to go that far (at least not before yum
search is near instant). I was thinking more like two cases:

1. yum search foo - output "small" number of results, and if there is
more than that a message of "X of Y more results, use --all-matches to
see them all".
2. yum search --all-matches - output everything.

...this might be better already, but with ranking it'd be much more so

James Antill <jantill at redhat.com>
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