[Yum-devel] searching the packageSack

Jack Neely jjneely at ncsu.edu
Tue Jan 23 20:27:49 UTC 2007


Was just chatting with Jeremy as I really would like Anaconda to be able
to figure out what kmod variant to install so that it can handle
the OpenAFS kmod.  The fedorakmod plugin I wrote handles most of the day
to day stuff that Yum will do /once the initial modules are installed/.

Which leads back to where I stopped working on fedorakmod.

Basically, I do


to figure out what kmods are avalable.  But this returns a list of
non-POs made with the db2class() method.  (Which makes my eyes bleed.)
It doesn't contain ANY prco info but the searchProc() method inserts the
full name, flags, rel, ver, epoch of the provide I asked for,
'kernel-modules'.  I want the requires information (specifically

If Seth is still looking for new stuff to do it would be really great to
fix the db2class() stuff and provide a way to pull the full package
information out the the cache for the search results.

The code I'm whining about is around line 311 in sqlitesack.py.  The
fedorakmod code is here:


Jack Neely

Jack Neely <jjneely at ncsu.edu>
Campus Linux Services Project Lead
Information Technology Division, NC State University
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