[Yum-devel] RFE: Write dot-based graph info

Justin Moore justin at cs.duke.edu
Mon Jan 8 16:41:25 UTC 2007

>> Feature request (or plugin request)
>> Sometimes I wonder what the hell my system is doing downloading a
>> certain package (or what is was thinking when it downloaded and
>> installed a certain package).  In such cases it would be nice to be able
>> to dump a dot file showing the dependency graph.
> neat idea. Probably do-able as a plugin in post-depresolve

*nod*  I imagine the graphs will be kind of big, but at least it's a 
starting point for figuring out what your system is doing.  There are at 
least two python APIs to dot.

>> P.S. In this case I'm wonder WTF yum decided to download both the
>> x86_64 /and/ i386 versions of the entire gnome desktop on my first "yum
>> update" after installing a KDE-only system.  Yay for 1.3GB downloads.
> b/c more likely than not you already had both of them installed.

Nope.  I did a KDE-only install (following the instructions on the 
Fedora Myth(ology) site for MythTV), and I checked after the install to 
see which gnome packages it had installed.  I didn't see any gnome-* 
packages.  A "yum update" and a huge-ass download later, and I had both 
x86_64 and i386 versions installed.

> It was just updating them. The default behavior on installing 
> multiarch pkgs is to install both of them.

Are both architectures actually needed?  Or is this some failsafe mode? 
Can I disable it?


Department of Computer Science, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708-0129
Email:	justin at cs.duke.edu
Web:	http://www.cs.duke.edu/~justin/

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