[Yum-devel] yum 3.0.2

Terje Rosten terje.rosten at ntnu.no
Sat Jan 6 22:15:47 UTC 2007

* seth vidal
| okay - I just checked in another attempt.
| https://lists.dulug.duke.edu/pipermail/yum-cvs-commits/2007-January/001257.html
| can you tell me what you get from that with your profiler. The slow
| down shouldn't be from so many calls to returnNewestByName()

The many calls to returnNewestByName() is gone, the problem now is:

  returnObsoletes -> returnNewestByName() -> _computeAggregateListResult()

In this context, is _computeAggregateListResult() expensive (it's 30%
of the ticks in 'yum install xpdf'), however don't much to do about
that. Case closed?

 - Terje

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