[Yum-devel] yum 3.0.2

Terje Rosten terje.rosten at ntnu.no
Thu Jan 4 22:09:28 UTC 2007

* seth vidal

| I think I got it.
| Terje, Tim, please take a look at the patch here:
| https://lists.dulug.duke.edu/pipermail/yum-cvs-commits/2007-January/001255.html
| I did timing tests and it reduces the returnObsoletes call on my system
| from 30s to 3s

Yes, it's better, however 3.0.2 plus patch is still much slower than
3.0.1 on 'yum install xpdf' with warm cache.

The this command:

$ time python yummain.py -y install xpdf

I get:

3.0.1: 9 sec
3.0.2 + plus patch: 15 sec

>From the profiling data I see lots of call to returnNewestByName, it's
called over 8500 times.

It's possible to see here too:


The returnNew.. box on the right.

 - Terje

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