[Yum-devel] mock group
Alan Milligan
alan at balclutha.org
Fri Jan 6 16:53:24 UTC 2006
I'm just integrating mock into our Zope-based all-singing-and-dancing
distribution building platform.
[ Strangely, I couldn't import mock from /usr/bin, but py_compiling it
and then importing works fine ...]
Can you explain the [group] functionality for me. Is it actually a
special case - or is that purely an implementation artifact??
It seems to be a strange combination of repodata and comps.xml. For the
moment, I'm using the delivered fedora.org repository, but am
considering implementing it locally in the event of needing to control
this as well.
We already have a Zope-based YumRepository class which wraps createrepo
functionality and dynamically creates and serves yum requirements from
Zope, however, it doesn't include buildroots.xml
Similarly, our RPMDistro Zope instances encapsulate generating
comps.xml's from Zope objects but it ain't called buildroots.xml (yet...)
Would I be right to think that while groups *does* need to be a
repodata, it must return a proper buildroots.xml, but the remaining
repodata files just need to deliver buildsys-macros packages??
Is this actually necessary? Could this all just be incorporated into
other channel(s) instead?
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