[Yum-devel] Yum CLI/API consistency

Paul Nasrat pnasrat at redhat.com
Fri Feb 3 21:48:41 UTC 2006

On Thu, 2006-01-26 at 18:08 -0500, seth vidal wrote:
> On Mon, 2006-01-23 at 12:14 -0500, Paul Nasrat wrote:
> > Seth, 
> > 
> > You asked for some feedback about this sort of stuff so here's one case
> > I think I should mention.
> > 
> > Currently we have a bunch of logic in cli.py which really should be
> > handled by the YumBase.install() YumBase.update() and YumBase.remove()
> > functions.
> > 
> > End goal - as a user I want to install everything[0]:
> > 
> > cli: yum install *
> > API: yum.install('*')
> gotcha. No implicit objection. There's a tiny bit of 'but it should be
> prettier' but oh well.

> > Currently cli uses packages.parsePackages, where YumBase.install uses
> > searchNEVRA. The attached proof of concept patch makes install('*') work

> and the matching isn't quite the same b/t parsePackages and sqlite glob
> - b/c the globbing matches w/i a column, not b/t columns.

> So parsePackages will return something different than sqlite globbing
> for things like:
> foo-*-1.*

Yes, in packages.parsePackages we do def buildPkgRefDict(pkgs).  If we
considered that to be part of the packageSack implementation, then a
sqlite implementation could do something like (forgive my sql, there is
probably a better way):

INSERT into lookup SELECT name || '.' || arch, pkgId from packages;

For each of the formats we build into that dict anyway.  Then we just
match the glob on that index or run regex on it in the non sqlite sack

> where the stars are intended to match PART of the name AND part of the
> version AND the arch.

Thus we can match in the same way :)

> > I think we should be moving logic from cli.py to the methods in the
> > YumBase object.  So that for non cli/pwd interactive things we pass off
> > to YumBase.install().  Does this sound reasonable - I'll try and get a
> > more complete patch done and clean up cli.py.
> I agree but we also need to:
> 1. make it so the expected behavior doesn't change too much

Indeed. I think that is acheivable - we make searchNEVRA work as you
might expect (it breaks out into a WHERE query as is) then create an
index, view, temp table to look up if we call parsePackages.


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