[Yum-devel] [UG] keepalive.py

Andres Riancho andres.riancho at gmail.com
Mon Dec 18 14:46:57 UTC 2006

Hi list,

    I have made some changes to the keep-alive HTTP Handler. The
changes are simple but necessary if you want this http handler to work
well if combined with other handlers. Changes were applied against
keepalive.py available at :


dz0 at dz0cybsec:~/tools/w3af/core/data/url$ diff keepalive.py
<                 if not req.has_header('Content-type'):
>                 if not req.headers.has_key('Content-type'):
<                 if not req.has_header('Content-length'):
>                 if not req.headers.has_key('Content-length'):
<         for k, v in req.unredirected_hdrs.items():
<             h.putheader(k, v)

By using has_header() instead of headers.has_key() the handler would
also be checking for the header name in the unredirected_hdrs dict.
Maybe someone could add this to the cvs version?


Andres Riancho
http://w3af.sourceforge.net/ Web App Attack and Audit Framework
http://www.securearg.net/ Secure from the source

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