[Yum-devel] Re: makecache process

seth vidal skvidal at phy.duke.edu
Sun Nov 6 21:36:20 UTC 2005

> I think that having a "cookie" mechanism would be far more user-friendly
> and immediately beneficial than trying to teach every user in the
> RH-universe about the usefulness of "yum shell". It's also not difficult
> to implement, so the argument of "more code" doesn't really outweigh the
> benefits in this case.

The other problem is that the yum shell still doesn't solve the issue of
having gui users wait and have a silly callback in their way _every_

Right now I've implemented a check which verifies that the repomd.xml is
recent (within a definable period). The reason I've only done the check
there is simple: if we know the repomd.xml is new enough then we can use
the repomd.xml to check the other metadata files and it has the
definitive answer on whether or not the other files are current.

So after a repomd.xml is successfully downloaded we touch the repo
cookie  and it starts aging from there.

does that make sense to everyone or should I be implementing a cookie
per-metadata file so we can age them out, too?

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