[Yum-devel] API Changes: Was: plugings modifying the URLGrabber instance

seth vidal skvidal at phy.duke.edu
Sat Jul 2 07:44:32 UTC 2005

On Sat, 2005-07-02 at 03:18 -0400, seth vidal wrote:

> The benefit of the single representation of packages is just searching.
> Now if we wanted to do this an 'easier' way it would be to have the
> metasack really just perform the same routines on the rest of the
> packageSacks. One packageSack for each repository.
> so MetaSack.searchProvides() would really do:
>    for repo in repos:
>       repo.sack.searchProvides()
>    then return those results into a ListPackageSack or into whatever is
> the expected return format.

I drew up a simple diagram of what I was thinking:

Feel free to edit it and upload a new version.


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