[Yum-devel] Re: restful yum

David Lutterkort dlutter at redhat.com
Sun Dec 4 02:53:29 UTC 2005

On Sun, 2005-12-04 at 13:42 +1100, Alan Milligan wrote:
> I also think that having different responses to GET and POST is
> illogical.  These methods are to do with the structure of request
> payloads, and that they'd affect the response is nasty side-effect
> programming to my mind.

In theory at least, a big distinction between GET and POST is that GET
requests are not supposed to change the state of the server; most web
applications don't adhere to that (think of all the 'delete this' and
'add that' links you've seen on the web), but you can run into trouble
when some form of dumb script rattles through your site and executes
every GET request they can get their hands on. 

Hava look at
http://radar.oreilly.com/archives/2005/05/google_web_acce_1.html to see
what happens when you let Google Web Accelerator loose on such a site.


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