[Yum-devel] Re: restful yum

Alan Milligan alan at balclutha.org
Sun Dec 4 02:42:43 UTC 2005

Hash: SHA1

Seth Vidal wrote:

> Does that start to make any sense or am going down the wrong track and
> what can we get out of this?


I don't think this makes sense.  If you attempt a PUT or DELETE on our
web server, you'll be sent to an authorisation dialogue unless you're
one of our maintainers!

I also think that having different responses to GET and POST is
illogical.  These methods are to do with the structure of request
payloads, and that they'd affect the response is nasty side-effect
programming to my mind.

These methods are also used widely to implement other protocols such as
FTP and WebDAV - they are already in use in our web services environment

I'd much prefer this stuff to be implemented explicitly in the url eg
http://someurl/channel/pkg-1.00.i386.rpm/xml_view or even

You might note that we dynamically generate all of our
yum/up2date/red-carpet content for the channels on
https://linux.last-bastion.net/RPC2/up2date - there is marginal
distiction between this being application/octet-stream, html, xml or
anything else.  It would be trivial for us to implement this, however, I
think there are better protocols to use ie RSS.

I also do not really see how sending information to our repo server will
 manage the sack on your yum client - but maybe I'm missing something too.

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