[Yum-devel] yum patch - kernel-modules-<driver>-<kernelversion>

Troy Dawson dawson at fnal.gov
Thu Oct 7 19:24:32 UTC 2004

This is a patch against yum 2.0.7.  It was written by Mark Mengel.  We've 
tested it in lots of ways, and well ... it works really good.
For this, the name of the rpm is
kernel-module-<driver>-<kernelversion> so an example would be
kernel-module-openafs-2.4.21-20.EL is the name.

The main algorythum it uses goes as follows.
If you update your kernel, it checks to see if you have any 
kernel-module-<driver>-<kernel> rpm's installed.  If you do, it checks to see 
if it can get a kernel-module-<driver>-<newkernel> rpm to go along with your 
new kernel.  If it cannot, it will not allow the kernel update.

Our original algorythum allowed what we called "sloppy kernels", in that it 
would allow you to update your kernel without the modules, but after much 
discussion, we decided this could lead to bad things.  But we do have that 
patch if people want it.

Anyway, this has been tested with updates, upgrades, installs, obsoleting, in 
as many different ways as we could try.


Troy Dawson  dawson at fnal.gov  (630)840-6468
Fermilab  ComputingDivision/CSS  CSI Group
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