[Yum-devel] yum 2.1.5

seth vidal skvidal at phy.duke.edu
Mon Oct 4 06:51:26 UTC 2004

Hi all,
 Yum 2.1.5 is available. This is not feature complete for the 2.1 series
- NOTE 2.1.X is a devel series of functional releases. When it is
feature complete for release it WILL become 2.2.

tar ball:


noarch.rpm - built on fedora core 2(ish):

 - made yum list recent be sane and sensible
 - remove a bunch of unused imports
 - clean up all transaction sets we have at exit with an
   explicit del
 - fix for lists being > 80chars 
 - deleted all match iterators I create,
   just in case

 - Fix for Bug 324 - when in caching-only mode and the header is not
   available then it would traceback
 - fix for typo in yum info function.

 - stubs for group functions in place cleaned up groupsetup so it's no
   longer importing metadata it doesn't, yet, need added a nosack
   option to doRepoSetup() so it will setup the repo dirs and get the
   repomd.xml but not download primary.xml.gz or import the metadata

This is mostly bugfix updates. Still a lot of things to finish.

lemme know what I broke.

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