[Yum-devel] Fwd: More yum oddities
Josh Smith
jbs at cacr.caltech.edu
Tue Jun 8 22:55:32 UTC 2004
SV> mixing dag and livna repositories is an extraordinarily bad idea.
Mm, ok; I hadn't realized that.
SV> when you type yum provides libfame.0.9.so.1
SV> which packages from which repositories provide it?
It's actually 'yum provides libfame-0.9.so.1' evidently, FWIW. With livna
before dag, it says
Looking in available packages for a providing package
No packages found
With dag before livna, it says
Looking in available packages for a providing package
Available package: libfame.i386 0:0.9.1-1.1.fc2.dag from 55-dag matches with
Available package: libfame.i386 0:0.9.1-1.1.fc2.dag from 55-dag matches with
Available package: libfame.i386 0:0.9.1-1.1.fc2.dag from 55-dag matches with
3 results returned
Alternatively, 'yum provides libfame' returns the livna version if livna
is first.
SV> It's going to try to install the highest version. I'm betting this is
SV> more an arch issue b/c I think dag compiles most of his packages for
SV> the highest possible arch. So one is either exactarching in place or
SV> being overridden b/c of the better arch. dump a yum -d 6 install xine
SV> and save the output - that will help find the problem.
I've attached that below.
SV> I'd heartily suggest NOT mixing these repositories, though. You'll
SV> find you're creating a mess in your system.
Well, one sort-of advantage of pkgpolicy=last seems to be that I don't
actually end up mixing them. :^) So perhaps this is a feature, in that
I did in fact have some problems when I used to use pkgpolicy=newest.
Anyway, 'yum -d 6' output attached below.
-Josh (jbs at cacr.caltech.edu)
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