[Yum-devel] Fwd: More yum oddities
seth vidal
skvidal at phy.duke.edu
Tue Jun 8 22:36:37 UTC 2004
> I have a co-worker who says things like this, and my comment (which I
> originally sent to a local sysadmins list) was aimed at him, not y'all on
> this list. I still use and like yum, despite his contention that apt does
> this thing or that thing better (in his opinion).
There are things apt does do better. There are other things yum does
better. It depends on which angle you look at it. I think I've done some
considerable work with the apt developers to get us all on the same
basic page for the backend repositories so we don't have to have apt and
yum repositories but just 'repositories'.
More convergence helps remove duplicated effort. But duplicated effort
promotes competition, which can be good.
it's a fine line :)
> When David asked if he could forward my message to this list, I didn't
> remember that comment at the bottom, or I would've realized that it would
> annoy people here. The sniping was intended for a local colleague, not you
> folks.
It's not a problem. I just wanted to speak my piece. I did not intend
and hope you did not take any offense.
Now, back to figuring out what broke on your system.
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