[Yum-devel] Fwd: More yum oddities

David Kewley kewley at caltech.edu
Tue Jun 8 22:10:02 UTC 2004

I'm forwarding an email from a colleague (cc'd here; he's not on the
list, so cc him if you want to ask him a question).

Has he found a bug?


----------  Forwarded Message  ----------

Subject: More yum oddities
Date: Tuesday 08 June 2004 14:36
From: Josh Smith <jbs at cacr.caltech.edu>
To: ITS Unix Staff <its-unix-staff at caltech.edu>

Under FC 2, I went to install xine, which depends on libfame. xine comes
from Dag Wieers, which also includes a version of libfame (0.9.1), which
the version of xine there requires. However, Livna also has a version of
libfame (0.9.0), one that's lower than the Dag xine requires.

My yum.conf file says


and includes


as the names of the Livna and Dag repositories. I don't have either
version of libfame installed. I did a 'yum install xine', and it fails,
saying that it can't find a package that provides libfame.0.9.so.1.

Now, it seems to me that if I had libfame 0.9.0 installed, then it would
be correct not to upgrade it to the newer version from the 
lower-priority repository... But since I *don't* have it installed, 
shouldn't it install from whichever repository has the version it 

Is this another case of "you wouldn't have this problem if you just used 

For now, I've worked around this by giving Dag a higher priority than
Livna, but this seems clunky.

                                      -Josh (jbs at cacr.caltech.edu)


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