[Yum-devel] ready to help dev yum

mark_yum at tcu-inc.com mark_yum at tcu-inc.com
Fri Jul 16 00:43:12 UTC 2004

Hey guys, 

I lost my battle to use yum instead of the RHN. 
My company is going with RHN. Crap.
Anyways, I want to help develop yum so that this issue never occurs again.

Two things:
1. Develop yum. I see some things I would like in there, and I don't mind
	working on other things people want.
2. Develop a webpage interface to a yum server for computers to use.
        I think everything should
	be in the repository for the client side program (yum) to work with.
        If you configure the repositories and yum.conf correctly, there should
	be no need for there to be any communication (I think) beyond the
	normal http download. The simplier the better.
        You might need some sort of database to keep track of computers, 
	groups, and accounts. 
        Later, maybe, we can do an xmlrpc thing for super advanced stuff.
        My goal is to knock out the RHN or to increase competition so that
	they don't pull their MS stunts with their licensing schemes. 
        This will probably take a while. 

Just to let you know:
1. I plan on sticking to Python-only programming.
2. How does someone recommend a patch? Just post it to this newsgroup?

Seth, hand me a list of tasks to do, and I will choice a few from the list.
I am going to set myself up with the anonymous cvs. I already have a bugzilla

I hope to get started soon! I will be looking over the source code.


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