[Yum-devel] Yum Gui

seth vidal skvidal at phy.duke.edu
Fri Apr 2 08:50:18 UTC 2004

>  * it is consistent with the functionality of yum -- you sould be able
>    to use gui and cli interchangeably and get the same
>    behavior/results 

This also includes using the locking system yum is currently using. I'd
like to make sure that happens in any program using the yum modules.

> If I were you, I'd start looking at yum-HEAD and follow the yum-devel
> mailing list.  That will give you an idea of how things are going and
> which parts of yum are starting to solidify.  You'll want to strike a
> balance about when to dive in.  Too soon, and the new yum won't be
> ready to do anything with... too late and it'll be tough to modify
> things that don't work well with a gui.

It'd be useful at this point to start thinking about ui issues and how
to produce an easy to use interface that is not so simplified as to be
useless. I'd very much be in favor of pygtk/pygnome. Reasonable
compliance with the gnome HIG would be a plus, even if it is just using

So I think the best place to start would be to describe what you think
is a useful set of features in a gui that updates packages and start
working on an interface that implements that.


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