[yum-commits] repoquery.py

James Antill james at osuosl.org
Thu Jan 19 22:17:48 UTC 2012

 repoquery.py |    7 ++++---
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 9c4e4d49337ba7130cf532df897eb1f459ba190b
Author: James Laska <jlaska at redhat.com>
Date:   Thu Jan 19 14:15:04 2012 -0500

     Honor --queryformat when using --output=ascii-tree.
     While using the ascii-tree output format, I found it helpful to support
    the --queryformat option to allow customized output using QUERYTAGS.

diff --git a/repoquery.py b/repoquery.py
index 2eb7834..7660789 100755
--- a/repoquery.py
+++ b/repoquery.py
@@ -325,12 +325,13 @@ class pkgQuery:
         print "%s%s [%s]" % (indent, str(req), str(val))
     # These are common helpers for the --tree-* options...
-    @staticmethod
-    def _tree_print_req(req, val, level):
+    def _tree_print_req(self, req, val, level):
         indent = ''
         if level:
             indent = ' |  ' * (level - 1) + ' \_  '
-        print "%s%s [%s]" % (indent, str(req), str(val))
+        self.pkg = req
+        self.name = req.name
+        print "%s%s [%s]" % (indent, self.fmt_queryformat(), str(val))
     def _tree_pkg2uniq(self, pkg):
         """ Turn a pkg into a "unique" req."""
         if self.yb and self.yb.conf.showdupesfromrepos:

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