[yum-commits] Branch 'yum-3_2_X' - 6 commits - yum/sqlitesack.py

James Antill james at osuosl.org
Mon Aug 17 18:55:18 UTC 2009

 yum/sqlitesack.py |   85 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 1 file changed, 68 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 3c7c627bfded1d1b20058a0b425efe24e23e6fe7
Author: James Antill <james at and.org>
Date:   Mon Aug 17 12:09:40 2009 -0400

     Pass "fields" from _setupPkgObjList to _yieldSQLDataList, so we know
    what we are searching for.

diff --git a/yum/sqlitesack.py b/yum/sqlitesack.py
index f4d3f95..3f9dc37 100644
--- a/yum/sqlitesack.py
+++ b/yum/sqlitesack.py
@@ -1481,12 +1481,12 @@ class YumSqlitePackageSack(yumRepo.YumPackageSack):
                     tmp.append((pat, '='))
             if not need_full and not need_glob and patterns:
-                return (need_full, patterns, True)
+                return (need_full, patterns, fields, True)
             patterns = tmp
-        return (need_full, patterns, False)
+        return (need_full, patterns, fields, False)
-    def _yieldSQLDataList(self, repoid=None, patterns=None, ignore_case=False):
+    def _yieldSQLDataList(self, repoid, patterns, fields, ignore_case):
         """Yields all the package data for the given params. Excludes are done
            at this stage. """
@@ -1518,12 +1518,13 @@ class YumSqlitePackageSack(yumRepo.YumPackageSack):
         returnList = []
-        (need_full, patterns, names) = self._setupPkgObjList(repoid, patterns,
-                                                             ignore_case)
+        data = self._setupPkgObjList(repoid, patterns, ignore_case)
+        (need_full, patterns, fields, names) = data
         if names:
             return self.searchNames(patterns)
-        for (repo, x) in self._yieldSQLDataList(repoid, patterns, ignore_case):
+        for (repo, x) in self._yieldSQLDataList(repoid, patterns, fields,
+                                                ignore_case):
             po = self._packageByKeyData(repo, x['pkgKey'], x)
             if po is None:
@@ -1587,9 +1588,10 @@ class YumSqlitePackageSack(yumRepo.YumPackageSack):
         repoid = None
         returnList = []
         # Haven't loaded everything, so _just_ get the pkgtups...
-        (need_full, patterns, names) = self._setupPkgObjList(repoid, patterns,
-                                                             ignore_case)
-        for (repo, x) in self._yieldSQLDataList(repoid, patterns, ignore_case):
+        data = self._setupPkgObjList(repoid, patterns, ignore_case)
+        (need_full, patterns, fields, names) = data
+        for (repo, x) in self._yieldSQLDataList(repoid, patterns, fields,
+                                                ignore_case):
             # NOTE: Can't unexclude things...
             pkgtup = self._pkgtupByKeyData(repo, x['pkgKey'], x)
             if pkgtup is None:
commit daab5bd8a7bf33902789e4f032babb2e88ac2f0d
Author: James Antill <james at and.org>
Date:   Mon Aug 17 11:28:33 2009 -0400

     Add optimized simplePkgList() to sqlitesack, significant speedup:
     This is what the above few patches were for, as this function now just
    calls them.
     Speed differences on my machine:
    time (echo | yum update wodim)
     Before: 8.0 seconds
     After:  6.5 seconds (81.25%)
    time yum check-update
     Before: 3.9 seconds
     After:  2.5 seconds (64.10%)

diff --git a/yum/sqlitesack.py b/yum/sqlitesack.py
index 1edf2ab..f4d3f95 100644
--- a/yum/sqlitesack.py
+++ b/yum/sqlitesack.py
@@ -1448,7 +1448,7 @@ class YumSqlitePackageSack(yumRepo.YumPackageSack):
         return exactmatch, matched, unmatched
     def _setupPkgObjList(self, repoid=None, patterns=None, ignore_case=False):
-        """Setup need_full and patterns for _buildPkgObjList, also see if
+        """Setup need_full and patterns for _yieldSQLDataList, also see if
            we can get away with just using searchNames(). """
         if patterns is None:
@@ -1572,6 +1572,31 @@ class YumSqlitePackageSack(yumRepo.YumPackageSack):
         return returnList
+    def simplePkgList(self, patterns=None, ignore_case=False):
+        """Returns a list of pkg tuples (n, a, e, v, r), optionally from a
+           single repoid. """
+        if self._skip_all():
+            return []
+        internal_pkgoblist = hasattr(self, 'pkgobjlist')
+        if internal_pkgoblist:
+            return yumRepo.YumPackageSack.simplePkgList(self, patterns,
+                                                        ignore_case)
+        repoid = None
+        returnList = []
+        # Haven't loaded everything, so _just_ get the pkgtups...
+        (need_full, patterns, names) = self._setupPkgObjList(repoid, patterns,
+                                                             ignore_case)
+        for (repo, x) in self._yieldSQLDataList(repoid, patterns, ignore_case):
+            # NOTE: Can't unexclude things...
+            pkgtup = self._pkgtupByKeyData(repo, x['pkgKey'], x)
+            if pkgtup is None:
+                continue
+            returnList.append(pkgtup)
+        return returnList
     def searchNevra(self, name=None, epoch=None, ver=None, rel=None, arch=None):        
         """return list of pkgobjects matching the nevra requested"""
commit 443a2f42d33413828ab7a0643b015c3b1377d7b9
Author: James Antill <james at and.org>
Date:   Mon Aug 17 11:09:46 2009 -0400

    Add pkgtupByKeyData, so we don't have to create package objects

diff --git a/yum/sqlitesack.py b/yum/sqlitesack.py
index 4d8ac0a..1edf2ab 100644
--- a/yum/sqlitesack.py
+++ b/yum/sqlitesack.py
@@ -725,6 +725,19 @@ class YumSqlitePackageSack(yumRepo.YumPackageSack):
         return self._key2pkg[repo][data['pkgKey']]
+    def _pkgtupByKeyData(self, repo, pkgKey, data):
+        """ Like _packageByKeyData() but we don't create the package, we just
+            return the pkgtup. """
+        if self._pkgExcludedRKD(repo, pkgKey, data):
+            return None
+        if repo not in self._key2pkg:
+            self._key2pkg[repo] = {}
+            self._pkgname2pkgkeys[repo] = {}
+        if data['pkgKey'] in self._key2pkg.get(repo, {}):
+            return self._key2pkg[repo][data['pkgKey']].pkgtup
+        return (data['name'], data['arch'],
+                data['epoch'], data['version'], data['release'])
     def _packagesByName(self, pkgname):
         """ Load all pkgnames from cache, with a given name. """
         ret = []
commit c7e7663efd2f0feec38ad9b446228ecc60c37a2f
Author: James Antill <james at and.org>
Date:   Mon Aug 17 11:23:16 2009 -0400

    Fix whitespace, comments and doc-comments

diff --git a/yum/sqlitesack.py b/yum/sqlitesack.py
index 843cf81..4d8ac0a 100644
--- a/yum/sqlitesack.py
+++ b/yum/sqlitesack.py
@@ -1496,14 +1496,12 @@ class YumSqlitePackageSack(yumRepo.YumPackageSack):
                 if pat_sqls:
                     qsql = _FULL_PARSE_QUERY_BEG + " OR ".join(pat_sqls)
                 executeSQL(cur, qsql, pat_data)
-                #  Note: If we are building the pkgobjlist, we don't exclude
-                # here, so that we can un-exclude later on ... if that matters.
                 for x in cur:
                     yield (repo, x)
     def _buildPkgObjList(self, repoid=None, patterns=None, ignore_case=False):
-        """Builds a list of packages, only containing nevra information. No
-           excludes are done at this stage. """
+        """Builds a list of packages, only containing nevra information.
+           Excludes are done at this stage. """
         returnList = []
@@ -1513,14 +1511,10 @@ class YumSqlitePackageSack(yumRepo.YumPackageSack):
             return self.searchNames(patterns)
         for (repo, x) in self._yieldSQLDataList(repoid, patterns, ignore_case):
-                    exclude = not patterns
-                    if True: # NOTE: Can't unexclude things...
-                        exclude = True
-                    po = self._packageByKeyData(repo, x['pkgKey'], x,
-                                                exclude=exclude)
-                    if po is None:
-                        continue
-                    returnList.append(po)
+            po = self._packageByKeyData(repo, x['pkgKey'], x)
+            if po is None:
+                continue
+            returnList.append(po)
         if not patterns and repoid is None:
             self.pkgobjlist = returnList
             self._pkgnames_loaded = set() # Save memory
commit 5f50bc578c69b6e9888bb95e9cc9e88fe8acf513
Author: James Antill <james at and.org>
Date:   Mon Aug 17 11:21:57 2009 -0400

    Split the SQL part of _buildPkgObjList() into a separate function

diff --git a/yum/sqlitesack.py b/yum/sqlitesack.py
index 277ca8c..843cf81 100644
--- a/yum/sqlitesack.py
+++ b/yum/sqlitesack.py
@@ -1473,16 +1473,9 @@ class YumSqlitePackageSack(yumRepo.YumPackageSack):
         return (need_full, patterns, False)
-    def _buildPkgObjList(self, repoid=None, patterns=None, ignore_case=False):
-        """Builds a list of packages, only containing nevra information. No
-           excludes are done at this stage. """
-        returnList = []
-        (need_full, patterns, names) = self._setupPkgObjList(repoid, patterns,
-                                                             ignore_case)
-        if names:
-            return self.searchNames(patterns)
+    def _yieldSQLDataList(self, repoid=None, patterns=None, ignore_case=False):
+        """Yields all the package data for the given params. Excludes are done
+           at this stage. """
         for (repo,cache) in self.primarydb.items():
             if (repoid == None or repoid == repo.id):
@@ -1506,6 +1499,20 @@ class YumSqlitePackageSack(yumRepo.YumPackageSack):
                 #  Note: If we are building the pkgobjlist, we don't exclude
                 # here, so that we can un-exclude later on ... if that matters.
                 for x in cur:
+                    yield (repo, x)
+    def _buildPkgObjList(self, repoid=None, patterns=None, ignore_case=False):
+        """Builds a list of packages, only containing nevra information. No
+           excludes are done at this stage. """
+        returnList = []
+        (need_full, patterns, names) = self._setupPkgObjList(repoid, patterns,
+                                                             ignore_case)
+        if names:
+            return self.searchNames(patterns)
+        for (repo, x) in self._yieldSQLDataList(repoid, patterns, ignore_case):
                     exclude = not patterns
                     if True: # NOTE: Can't unexclude things...
                         exclude = True
commit 8a0fc032da66150a49e7acc8d75df2af2d34ec9f
Author: James Antill <james at and.org>
Date:   Mon Aug 17 11:15:08 2009 -0400

    Split the setup part of _buildPkgObjList() into a separate function

diff --git a/yum/sqlitesack.py b/yum/sqlitesack.py
index 643f1f6..277ca8c 100644
--- a/yum/sqlitesack.py
+++ b/yum/sqlitesack.py
@@ -1434,16 +1434,13 @@ class YumSqlitePackageSack(yumRepo.YumPackageSack):
         unmatched = misc.unique(unmatched)
         return exactmatch, matched, unmatched
-    @catchSqliteException
-    def _buildPkgObjList(self, repoid=None, patterns=None, ignore_case=False):
-        """Builds a list of packages, only containing nevra information. No
-           excludes are done at this stage. """
+    def _setupPkgObjList(self, repoid=None, patterns=None, ignore_case=False):
+        """Setup need_full and patterns for _buildPkgObjList, also see if
+           we can get away with just using searchNames(). """
         if patterns is None:
             patterns = []
-        returnList = []
         fields = ['name', 'sql_nameArch', 'sql_nameVerRelArch',
                   'sql_nameVer', 'sql_nameVerRel',
                   'sql_envra', 'sql_nevra']
@@ -1471,8 +1468,21 @@ class YumSqlitePackageSack(yumRepo.YumPackageSack):
                     tmp.append((pat, '='))
             if not need_full and not need_glob and patterns:
-                return self.searchNames(patterns)
+                return (need_full, patterns, True)
             patterns = tmp
+        return (need_full, patterns, False)
+    @catchSqliteException
+    def _buildPkgObjList(self, repoid=None, patterns=None, ignore_case=False):
+        """Builds a list of packages, only containing nevra information. No
+           excludes are done at this stage. """
+        returnList = []
+        (need_full, patterns, names) = self._setupPkgObjList(repoid, patterns,
+                                                             ignore_case)
+        if names:
+            return self.searchNames(patterns)
         for (repo,cache) in self.primarydb.items():
             if (repoid == None or repoid == repo.id):

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