[yum-git] plugins/fastestmirror
Luke Macken
lmacken at linux.duke.edu
Fri May 23 20:25:41 UTC 2008
plugins/fastestmirror/fastestmirror-asyncore.py | 362 ---------
plugins/fastestmirror/fastestmirror-asyncore/fastestmirror-asyncore.py | 363 ++++++++++
2 files changed, 363 insertions(+), 362 deletions(-)
New commits:
commit b0e05d8fc3fb3834d1f78aefd1d3ec4986f7faeb
Author: Luke Macken <lmacken at redhat.com>
Date: Fri May 23 16:25:25 2008 -0400
Hide the fastestmirror-asyncore plugin until we're ready to ship it
diff --git a/plugins/fastestmirror/fastestmirror-asyncore.py b/plugins/fastestmirror/fastestmirror-asyncore.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 751b923..0000000
--- a/plugins/fastestmirror/fastestmirror-asyncore.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,362 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Version: 0.3.2
-# A plugin for the Yellowdog Updater Modified which sorts each repo's
-# mirrorlist by connection speed prior to download.
-# To install this plugin, just drop it into /usr/lib/yum-plugins, and
-# make sure you have 'plugins=1' in your /etc/yum.conf. You also need to
-# create the following configuration file, if not installed through an RPM:
-# /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/fastestmirror.conf:
-# [main]
-# enabled=1
-# verbose=1
-# socket_timeout=3
-# hostfilepath=/var/cache/yum/timedhosts
-# maxhostfileage=10
-# #exclude=.gov, facebook
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# (C) Copyright 2005 Luke Macken <lmacken at redhat.com>
-B{FastestMirror} is a Yum plugin which sorts each repository's mirrorlist
-according to connection speed prior to download.
-import os
-import sys
-import time
-import socket
-import string
-import urlparse
-import datetime
-import asyncore
-from yum.plugins import TYPE_CORE
-requires_api_version = '2.5'
-plugin_type = (TYPE_CORE,)
-verbose = False
-socket_timeout = 1
-timedhosts = {}
-hostfilepath = ''
-maxhostfileage = 10
-loadcache = False
-exclude = None
-def init_hook(conduit):
- """
- This function initiliazes the variables required for running B{fastestmirror}
- module. The variables are initiliazed from the main section of the plugin file.
- There are no parameteres for this function. It uses global variables to
- communicate with other functions.
- This function refers:
- - L{get_hostfile_age}
- @param verbose : Verbosity of output.
- @type verbose : Boolean
- @param socket_timeout : The default timeout for a socket connection.
- @type socket_timeout : Integer
- @param hostfilepath : Absolute path to the plugin's cache file.
- @type hostfilepath : String
- @param maxhostfileage : Maximum age of the plugin's cache file.
- @type maxhostfileage : Integer
- @param loadcache : Fastest Mirrors to be loaded from plugin's cache or not.
- @type loadcache : Boolean
- """
- global verbose, socket_timeout, hostfilepath, maxhostfileage, loadcache
- global exclude
- verbose = conduit.confBool('main', 'verbose', default=False)
- socket_timeout = conduit.confInt('main', 'socket_timeout', default=3)
- hostfilepath = conduit.confString('main', 'hostfilepath',
- default='/var/cache/yum/timedhosts')
- maxhostfileage = conduit.confInt('main', 'maxhostfileage', default=10)
- exclude = conduit.confString('main', 'exclude', default=None)
- # If the file hostfilepath exists and is newer than the maxhostfileage,
- # then load the cache.
- if os.path.exists(hostfilepath) and get_hostfile_age() < maxhostfileage:
- loadcache = True
-def clean_hook(conduit):
- """
- This function cleans the plugin cache file if exists. The function is called
- when C{yum [options] clean [plugins | all ]} is executed.
- """
- if os.path.exists(hostfilepath):
- conduit.info(2, "Cleaning up list of fastest mirrors")
- os.unlink(hostfilepath)
-# Get the hostname from a url, stripping away any usernames/passwords
-host = lambda mirror: mirror.split('/')[2].split('@')[-1]
-def postreposetup_hook(conduit):
- """
- This function is called after Yum has initiliazed all the repository information.
- If cache file exists, this function will load the mirror speeds from the file,
- else it will determine the fastest mirrors afresh and write them back to the cache
- file.
- There are no parameteres for this function. It uses global variables to
- communicate with other functions.
- This function refers:
- - L{read_timedhosts()}
- - L{FastestMirror.get_mirrorlist()}
- - L{write_timedhosts()}
- @param loadcache : Fastest Mirrors to be loaded from plugin's cache file or not.
- @type loadcache : Boolean
- """
- global loadcache, exclude
- if loadcache:
- conduit.info(2, "Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile")
- read_timedhosts()
- else:
- conduit.info(2, "Determining fastest mirrors")
- repomirrors = {}
- repos = conduit.getRepos()
- for repo in repos.listEnabled():
- if not repomirrors.has_key(str(repo)):
- repomirrors[str(repo)] = FastestMirror(repo.urls).get_mirrorlist()
- if exclude:
- for mirror in repomirrors[str(repo)]:
- if filter(lambda exp: exp in host(mirror),
- exclude.replace(',', ' ').split()):
- conduit.info(2, "Excluding mirror: %s" % host(mirror))
- repomirrors[str(repo)].remove(mirror)
- repo.urls = repomirrors[str(repo)]
- if len(repo.urls):
- conduit.info(2, " * %s: %s" % (str(repo), host(repo.urls[0])))
- repo.failovermethod = 'priority'
- repo.check()
- repo.setupGrab()
- if not loadcache:
- write_timedhosts()
-def read_timedhosts():
- """
- This function reads the time and hostname from the plugin's cache file and
- store them in C{timedhosts}.
- There are no parameteres for this function. It uses global variables to
- communicate with other functions.
- This function is referred by:
- - L{postreposetup_hook()}
- @param timedhosts : A list of time intervals to reach different hosts
- corresponding to the mirrors. The index of the list are hostnames.
- C{timedhosts[host] = time}.
- @type timedhosts : List
- """
- global timedhosts
- try:
- hostfile = file(hostfilepath)
- for line in hostfile.readlines():
- host, time = line.split()
- timedhosts[host] = float(time)
- hostfile.close()
- except IOError:
- pass
-def write_timedhosts():
- """
- This function writes the plugin's cache file with the entries in the
- C{timedhosts} list.
- There are no parameteres for this function. It uses global variables to
- communicate with other functions.
- This function is referred by:
- - L{postreposetup_hook()}
- @param timedhosts : A list of time intervals to reach different hosts
- corresponding to the mirrors. The index of the list are hostnames.
- C{timedhosts[host] = time}.
- @type timedhosts : List
- """
- global timedhosts
- try:
- hostfile = file(hostfilepath, 'w')
- for host in timedhosts.keys():
- hostfile.write('%s %s\n' % (host, timedhosts[host]))
- hostfile.close()
- except IOError:
- pass
-def get_hostfile_age():
- """
- This function returns the current age of the plugin's cache file.
- There are no parameteres for this function. It uses global variables to
- communicate with other functions.
- This function is referred by:
- - L{init_hook()}
- @param hostfilepath : Absolute path to the plugin's cache file.
- @type hostfilepath : String
- @rtype: Integer
- @return: The age of the plugin's cache file.
- """
- global hostfilepath
- timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(hostfilepath))
- return (datetime.datetime.now() - timestamp).days
-class FastestMirror:
- """
- This is the helper class of B{fastestmirror} module. This class does
- all the processing of the response time calculation for all the mirrors
- of all the enabled Yum repositories.
- """
- def __init__(self, mirrorlist):
- """
- This is the initiliazer function of the B{L{FastestMirror}} class.
- @param mirrorlist : A list of mirrors for an enabled repository.
- @type mirrorlist : List
- """
- self.mirrorlist = mirrorlist
- self.results = {}
- socket.setdefaulttimeout(socket_timeout)
- def get_mirrorlist(self):
- """
- This function pings/polls all the mirrors in the list
- C{FastestMirror.mirrorlist} and returns the sorted list of mirrors
- according to the increasing response time of the mirrors.
- This function refers:
- - L{FastestMirror._poll_mirrors()}
- This function is referred by:
- - L{postreposetup_hook()}
- - L{main()}
- @rtype: List
- @return: The list of mirrors sorted according to the increasing
- response time.
- """
- self._poll_mirrors()
- mirrors = [(v, k) for k, v in self.results.items()]
- mirrors.sort()
- return [x[1] for x in mirrors]
- def _poll_mirrors(self):
- """
- This function uses L{PollThread} class to ping/poll individual mirror
- in parallel.
- This function refers:
- - L{PollThread.run()}
- This function is referred by:
- - L{FastestMirror.get_mirrorlist()}
- """
- for mirror in self.mirrorlist:
- AsyncMirrorConn(self, mirror)
- count = len(self.mirrorlist)
- if count > 10: count = 10
- asyncore.loop(timeout=socket_timeout, count=count)
-class AsyncMirrorConn(asyncore.dispatcher):
- def __init__(self, parent, mirror):
- asyncore.dispatcher.__init__(self)
- self.parent = parent
- self.mirror = mirror
- self.host = urlparse.urlparse(mirror)[1]
- self.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
- self.time_before = time.time()
- try:
- self.connect((self.host, 80))
- except:
- if verbose: print " * %s : dead" % self.host
- self.close()
- def handle_connect(self):
- result = time.time() - self.time_before
- self.handle_close()
- self._add_result(self.mirror, self.host, result)
- def handle_close(self):
- self.close()
- def handle_read(self):
- pass
- def handle_write(self):
- pass
- def _add_result(self, mirror, host, time):
- """
- This function is called by L{PollThread.run()} to add details of a
- mirror in C{FastestMirror.results} dictionary.
- This function is referred by:
- - L{PollThread.run()}
- @param mirror : The mirror that was polled for response time.
- @type mirror : String
- @param host : The hostname of the mirror.
- @type host : String
- @param time : The response time of the mirror.
- @type time : Integer
- @param timedhosts : A list of time intervals to reach different hosts
- corresponding to the mirrors. The index of the list are hostnames.
- @type timedhosts : List
- """
- global timedhosts
- if verbose: print " * %s : %f secs" % (host, time)
- self.parent.results[mirror] = time
- timedhosts[host] = time
-def main():
- """
- This is the main function for B{fastestmirror} module.
- This function explains the usage of B{fastestmirror} module. Also parses
- the command line arguments.
- This function refers:
- - L{FastestMirror.get_mirrorlist()}
- """
- global verbose
- verbose = True
- if len(sys.argv) == 1:
- print "Usage: %s <mirror1> [mirror2] ... [mirrorN]" % sys.argv[0]
- sys.exit(-1)
- del(sys.argv[0])
- mirrorlist = []
- for arg in sys.argv:
- mirrorlist.append(arg)
- print "Result: " + str(FastestMirror(mirrorlist).get_mirrorlist())
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/plugins/fastestmirror/fastestmirror-asyncore/fastestmirror-asyncore.py b/plugins/fastestmirror/fastestmirror-asyncore/fastestmirror-asyncore.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39bfde1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/fastestmirror/fastestmirror-asyncore/fastestmirror-asyncore.py
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# This is a threadless prototype version of fastestmirror
+# Version: 0.3.2
+# A plugin for the Yellowdog Updater Modified which sorts each repo's
+# mirrorlist by connection speed prior to download.
+# To install this plugin, just drop it into /usr/lib/yum-plugins, and
+# make sure you have 'plugins=1' in your /etc/yum.conf. You also need to
+# create the following configuration file, if not installed through an RPM:
+# /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/fastestmirror.conf:
+# [main]
+# enabled=1
+# verbose=1
+# socket_timeout=3
+# hostfilepath=/var/cache/yum/timedhosts
+# maxhostfileage=10
+# #exclude=.gov, facebook
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# (C) Copyright 2005 Luke Macken <lmacken at redhat.com>
+B{FastestMirror} is a Yum plugin which sorts each repository's mirrorlist
+according to connection speed prior to download.
+import os
+import sys
+import time
+import socket
+import string
+import urlparse
+import datetime
+import asyncore
+from yum.plugins import TYPE_CORE
+requires_api_version = '2.5'
+plugin_type = (TYPE_CORE,)
+verbose = False
+socket_timeout = 1
+timedhosts = {}
+hostfilepath = ''
+maxhostfileage = 10
+loadcache = False
+exclude = None
+def init_hook(conduit):
+ """
+ This function initiliazes the variables required for running B{fastestmirror}
+ module. The variables are initiliazed from the main section of the plugin file.
+ There are no parameteres for this function. It uses global variables to
+ communicate with other functions.
+ This function refers:
+ - L{get_hostfile_age}
+ @param verbose : Verbosity of output.
+ @type verbose : Boolean
+ @param socket_timeout : The default timeout for a socket connection.
+ @type socket_timeout : Integer
+ @param hostfilepath : Absolute path to the plugin's cache file.
+ @type hostfilepath : String
+ @param maxhostfileage : Maximum age of the plugin's cache file.
+ @type maxhostfileage : Integer
+ @param loadcache : Fastest Mirrors to be loaded from plugin's cache or not.
+ @type loadcache : Boolean
+ """
+ global verbose, socket_timeout, hostfilepath, maxhostfileage, loadcache
+ global exclude
+ verbose = conduit.confBool('main', 'verbose', default=False)
+ socket_timeout = conduit.confInt('main', 'socket_timeout', default=3)
+ hostfilepath = conduit.confString('main', 'hostfilepath',
+ default='/var/cache/yum/timedhosts')
+ maxhostfileage = conduit.confInt('main', 'maxhostfileage', default=10)
+ exclude = conduit.confString('main', 'exclude', default=None)
+ # If the file hostfilepath exists and is newer than the maxhostfileage,
+ # then load the cache.
+ if os.path.exists(hostfilepath) and get_hostfile_age() < maxhostfileage:
+ loadcache = True
+def clean_hook(conduit):
+ """
+ This function cleans the plugin cache file if exists. The function is called
+ when C{yum [options] clean [plugins | all ]} is executed.
+ """
+ if os.path.exists(hostfilepath):
+ conduit.info(2, "Cleaning up list of fastest mirrors")
+ os.unlink(hostfilepath)
+# Get the hostname from a url, stripping away any usernames/passwords
+host = lambda mirror: mirror.split('/')[2].split('@')[-1]
+def postreposetup_hook(conduit):
+ """
+ This function is called after Yum has initiliazed all the repository information.
+ If cache file exists, this function will load the mirror speeds from the file,
+ else it will determine the fastest mirrors afresh and write them back to the cache
+ file.
+ There are no parameteres for this function. It uses global variables to
+ communicate with other functions.
+ This function refers:
+ - L{read_timedhosts()}
+ - L{FastestMirror.get_mirrorlist()}
+ - L{write_timedhosts()}
+ @param loadcache : Fastest Mirrors to be loaded from plugin's cache file or not.
+ @type loadcache : Boolean
+ """
+ global loadcache, exclude
+ if loadcache:
+ conduit.info(2, "Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile")
+ read_timedhosts()
+ else:
+ conduit.info(2, "Determining fastest mirrors")
+ repomirrors = {}
+ repos = conduit.getRepos()
+ for repo in repos.listEnabled():
+ if not repomirrors.has_key(str(repo)):
+ repomirrors[str(repo)] = FastestMirror(repo.urls).get_mirrorlist()
+ if exclude:
+ for mirror in repomirrors[str(repo)]:
+ if filter(lambda exp: exp in host(mirror),
+ exclude.replace(',', ' ').split()):
+ conduit.info(2, "Excluding mirror: %s" % host(mirror))
+ repomirrors[str(repo)].remove(mirror)
+ repo.urls = repomirrors[str(repo)]
+ if len(repo.urls):
+ conduit.info(2, " * %s: %s" % (str(repo), host(repo.urls[0])))
+ repo.failovermethod = 'priority'
+ repo.check()
+ repo.setupGrab()
+ if not loadcache:
+ write_timedhosts()
+def read_timedhosts():
+ """
+ This function reads the time and hostname from the plugin's cache file and
+ store them in C{timedhosts}.
+ There are no parameteres for this function. It uses global variables to
+ communicate with other functions.
+ This function is referred by:
+ - L{postreposetup_hook()}
+ @param timedhosts : A list of time intervals to reach different hosts
+ corresponding to the mirrors. The index of the list are hostnames.
+ C{timedhosts[host] = time}.
+ @type timedhosts : List
+ """
+ global timedhosts
+ try:
+ hostfile = file(hostfilepath)
+ for line in hostfile.readlines():
+ host, time = line.split()
+ timedhosts[host] = float(time)
+ hostfile.close()
+ except IOError:
+ pass
+def write_timedhosts():
+ """
+ This function writes the plugin's cache file with the entries in the
+ C{timedhosts} list.
+ There are no parameteres for this function. It uses global variables to
+ communicate with other functions.
+ This function is referred by:
+ - L{postreposetup_hook()}
+ @param timedhosts : A list of time intervals to reach different hosts
+ corresponding to the mirrors. The index of the list are hostnames.
+ C{timedhosts[host] = time}.
+ @type timedhosts : List
+ """
+ global timedhosts
+ try:
+ hostfile = file(hostfilepath, 'w')
+ for host in timedhosts.keys():
+ hostfile.write('%s %s\n' % (host, timedhosts[host]))
+ hostfile.close()
+ except IOError:
+ pass
+def get_hostfile_age():
+ """
+ This function returns the current age of the plugin's cache file.
+ There are no parameteres for this function. It uses global variables to
+ communicate with other functions.
+ This function is referred by:
+ - L{init_hook()}
+ @param hostfilepath : Absolute path to the plugin's cache file.
+ @type hostfilepath : String
+ @rtype: Integer
+ @return: The age of the plugin's cache file.
+ """
+ global hostfilepath
+ timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(hostfilepath))
+ return (datetime.datetime.now() - timestamp).days
+class FastestMirror:
+ """
+ This is the helper class of B{fastestmirror} module. This class does
+ all the processing of the response time calculation for all the mirrors
+ of all the enabled Yum repositories.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, mirrorlist):
+ """
+ This is the initiliazer function of the B{L{FastestMirror}} class.
+ @param mirrorlist : A list of mirrors for an enabled repository.
+ @type mirrorlist : List
+ """
+ self.mirrorlist = mirrorlist
+ self.results = {}
+ socket.setdefaulttimeout(socket_timeout)
+ def get_mirrorlist(self):
+ """
+ This function pings/polls all the mirrors in the list
+ C{FastestMirror.mirrorlist} and returns the sorted list of mirrors
+ according to the increasing response time of the mirrors.
+ This function refers:
+ - L{FastestMirror._poll_mirrors()}
+ This function is referred by:
+ - L{postreposetup_hook()}
+ - L{main()}
+ @rtype: List
+ @return: The list of mirrors sorted according to the increasing
+ response time.
+ """
+ self._poll_mirrors()
+ mirrors = [(v, k) for k, v in self.results.items()]
+ mirrors.sort()
+ return [x[1] for x in mirrors]
+ def _poll_mirrors(self):
+ """
+ This function uses L{PollThread} class to ping/poll individual mirror
+ in parallel.
+ This function refers:
+ - L{PollThread.run()}
+ This function is referred by:
+ - L{FastestMirror.get_mirrorlist()}
+ """
+ for mirror in self.mirrorlist:
+ AsyncMirrorConn(self, mirror)
+ count = len(self.mirrorlist)
+ if count > 10: count = 10
+ asyncore.loop(timeout=socket_timeout, count=count)
+class AsyncMirrorConn(asyncore.dispatcher):
+ def __init__(self, parent, mirror):
+ asyncore.dispatcher.__init__(self)
+ self.parent = parent
+ self.mirror = mirror
+ self.host = urlparse.urlparse(mirror)[1]
+ self.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+ self.time_before = time.time()
+ try:
+ self.connect((self.host, 80))
+ except:
+ if verbose: print " * %s : dead" % self.host
+ self.close()
+ def handle_connect(self):
+ result = time.time() - self.time_before
+ self.handle_close()
+ self._add_result(self.mirror, self.host, result)
+ def handle_close(self):
+ self.close()
+ def handle_read(self):
+ pass
+ def handle_write(self):
+ pass
+ def _add_result(self, mirror, host, time):
+ """
+ This function is called by L{PollThread.run()} to add details of a
+ mirror in C{FastestMirror.results} dictionary.
+ This function is referred by:
+ - L{PollThread.run()}
+ @param mirror : The mirror that was polled for response time.
+ @type mirror : String
+ @param host : The hostname of the mirror.
+ @type host : String
+ @param time : The response time of the mirror.
+ @type time : Integer
+ @param timedhosts : A list of time intervals to reach different hosts
+ corresponding to the mirrors. The index of the list are hostnames.
+ @type timedhosts : List
+ """
+ global timedhosts
+ if verbose: print " * %s : %f secs" % (host, time)
+ self.parent.results[mirror] = time
+ timedhosts[host] = time
+def main():
+ """
+ This is the main function for B{fastestmirror} module.
+ This function explains the usage of B{fastestmirror} module. Also parses
+ the command line arguments.
+ This function refers:
+ - L{FastestMirror.get_mirrorlist()}
+ """
+ global verbose
+ verbose = True
+ if len(sys.argv) == 1:
+ print "Usage: %s <mirror1> [mirror2] ... [mirrorN]" % sys.argv[0]
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ del(sys.argv[0])
+ mirrorlist = []
+ for arg in sys.argv:
+ mirrorlist.append(arg)
+ print "Result: " + str(FastestMirror(mirrorlist).get_mirrorlist())
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
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