[yum-git] 2 commits - docs/Makefile docs/yum-verify.1 plugins/tmprepo plugins/verify yum-utils.spec

James Antill james at linux.duke.edu
Mon Mar 3 14:48:24 UTC 2008

 docs/Makefile              |    2 
 docs/yum-verify.1          |   82 ++++++++
 plugins/tmprepo/tmprepo.py |    2 
 plugins/verify/verify.conf |   27 ++
 plugins/verify/verify.py   |  436 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 yum-utils.spec             |   22 ++
 6 files changed, 568 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 7c38e78733e8f07ad917a8f5b76b41e493a6c118
Author: James Antill <james at and.org>
Date:   Sat Mar 1 17:23:11 2008 -0500

    Add verify plugin, and documentation

diff --git a/docs/Makefile b/docs/Makefile
index 9de4a14..24d4e23 100644
--- a/docs/Makefile
+++ b/docs/Makefile
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-DOCS = repoquery package-cleanup repo-rss yumdownloader yum-builddep yum-changelog reposync yum-complete-transaction yum-list-data yum-filter-data
+DOCS = repoquery package-cleanup repo-rss yumdownloader yum-builddep yum-changelog reposync yum-complete-transaction yum-list-data yum-filter-data yum-verify
 DOCS5 = yum-changelog.conf
 DOCS8 = yum-security
diff --git a/docs/yum-verify.1 b/docs/yum-verify.1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18e75c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/yum-verify.1
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+.\" yum verify plugin
+.TH "yum-verify" "1" "2008 Mar 1" "James Antill" ""
+yum verify plugin
+\fByum\fP [options] verify [package ...]
+This plugin extends \fByum\fP with some commands that give verification information on the installed system, much like rpm -V. You can change how the verification is done and which files it applies to.
+added yum \fIcommand\fPs are:
+.I \fR * verify
+.I \fR * verify-rpm
+.I \fR * verify-all
+all of which take the same arguments as the list yum command, obviously you can
+only verify packages that are installed on the system.
+.IP "\fBverify\fP"
+Is the generic verification command, and is intented to give the most useful
+output. It removes all false matches due to multilib and ignores changes to
+configuration files by default.
+.IP "\fBverify-rpm\fP"
+Is meant to be 100% compatible with rpm -V output, and any differences should be
+considered as bugs.
+.IP "\fBverify-all\fP"
+Is used to list all the differences, including some that rpm itself will ignore.
+These are the options added to yum that are available in the verify commands.
+They are:
+.IP "\fB\--verify-filenames\fP"
+This option is used to limit the filenames that the packages will perform
+.IP "\fB\--verify-configuration-files\fP"
+This option is only useful in the generic verify command, and will
+enable/disable verification of files that are tagged as configuration files.
+To do the same as rpm -Va, use:
+yum verify-rpm
+To verify the packages starting with the name yum, use:
+yum verify 'yum*'
+To verify the binaries that are in a bin directory, use:
+yum verify --verify-filenames='*bin/*'
+To verify all include files, Eg. for multilib problems, use:
+yum verify-all --verify-filenames='/usr/include/*'
+.I yum (8)
+.I yum.conf (5)
+.I the verify.conf file in /etc/yum/plugins.d
+James Antill <james.antill at redhat.com>.
+Currently yum-verify does not do verify-script checking or dependancy checking,
+only file checking.
diff --git a/plugins/verify/verify.conf b/plugins/verify/verify.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47c13e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/verify/verify.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+#  Display verify mismatches with config. files, should probably use AIDE etc.
+# instead, if you really want this.
+# configuration-files = True
+# # Add more colour to your life (these are the defaults):
+# [highlight]
+# # Don't output these problems in colour:
+# low-priority = mtime, genchecksum, permissions-missing, state,missingok,ghost
+# # Don't highlight the values of these problems
+# filter-old   = mtime, checksum
+# filter-new   = mtime, checksum
+# # These are the default highlight values
+# new     = reverse
+# old-fg  = red
+# file    = underline
+# file-fg = green
+# tags    = bold
+# tags-fg = yellow
+# tags-bg = black
diff --git a/plugins/verify/verify.py b/plugins/verify/verify.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9eb6ef2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/verify/verify.py
@@ -0,0 +1,436 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python -tt
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Library General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+# Copyright Red Hat Inc. 2008
+# Author: James Antill <james.antill at redhat.com>
+# Examples:
+#  yum verify
+#  yum verify yum*
+#  yum verify all
+#  yum verify extras
+import yum
+import types
+from yum.plugins import TYPE_INTERACTIVE
+import logging # for commands
+from yum import logginglevels
+import time
+import stat
+requires_api_version = '2.5'
+plugin_type = (TYPE_INTERACTIVE,)
+def nevr(pkg):
+    """ Identify a pkg without arch. """
+    return "%s-%s:%s-%s" % (pkg.name, pkg.epoch, pkg.version, pkg.release)
+def fmt_rwx(mode, r, w, x):
+    ret = []
+    if w & mode:
+        ret.append("w")
+    else:
+        ret.append("-")
+    if r & mode:
+        ret.append("r")
+    else:
+        ret.append("-")
+    if x & mode:
+        ret.append("x")
+    else:
+        ret.append("-")
+    return "".join(ret)    
+def format_mode(mode):
+    ret = []
+    tmp = []
+    if stat.S_ISUID & mode:
+        tmp.append("set user (setuid)")
+    if stat.S_ISGID & mode:
+        tmp.append("set group (setgid)")
+    if stat.S_ISVTX & mode:
+        tmp.append("sticky")
+    if tmp:
+        ret.append("/".join(tmp))
+    ret.append("user:"  + fmt_rwx(mode, stat.S_IRUSR,stat.S_IWUSR,stat.S_IXUSR))
+    ret.append("group:" + fmt_rwx(mode, stat.S_IRGRP,stat.S_IWGRP,stat.S_IXGRP))
+    ret.append("other:" + fmt_rwx(mode, stat.S_IROTH,stat.S_IWOTH,stat.S_IXOTH))
+    return ", ".join(ret)
+import datetime
+def format_time_diff(x, y):
+    frm = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp
+    if x > y:
+        return str(frm(x) - frm(y)) + " later"
+    else:
+        return str(frm(y) - frm(x)) + " earlier"
+def problem_contains(problems, types):
+    for problem in problems:
+        if problem.type in types:
+            return problem
+    return None
+def pkg_multilib_file(data, pkg, pkgs, fname):
+    problems = data[pkg][fname]
+    ml_csum = problem_contains(problems, ['checksum'])
+    ml_size = problem_contains(problems, ['size'])
+    ml_time = problem_contains(problems, ['mtime'])
+    if not (ml_csum or ml_size or ml_time):
+        return False
+    for opkg in pkgs:
+        if opkg == pkg:
+            continue
+        if opkg not in data:
+            data[opkg] = opkg.verify()
+        if fname not in data[opkg]:
+            return True
+        if problem_contains(problems, ['state', 'missingok', 'ghost']):
+            continue
+        problems = data[opkg][fname]
+        srch = []
+        if ml_csum:
+            srch.append('checksum')
+        if ml_size:
+            srch.append('size')
+        if ml_time:
+            srch.append('mtime')
+        if problem_contains(problems, srch):
+            continue
+        return True
+    return False
+# We make decisions based on these
+_verify_multilib = ['mtime', 'size', 'checksum']
+_verify_missingok= ['missingok', 'ghost']
+_verify_none     = ['state'] + _verify_missingok
+_verify_missing  = ['missing', 'permissions-missing','genchecksum']+_verify_none
+# These are user configurable, for output
+_verify_low      = ['mtime', 'genchecksum', 'permissions-missing'] +_verify_none
+_verify_onohi    = ['mtime', 'checksum']
+_verify_nnohi    = ['mtime', 'checksum']
+class VerifyCommand:
+    def __init__(self, names, conf, multilib=True, verify_configs_override=None,
+                 all=False):
+        self.names = names
+        self.conf  = conf
+        self.all = all
+        self.multilib = multilib
+        self.verify_configs_override = verify_configs_override
+    def getNames(self):
+        return self.names
+    def getUsage(self):
+        return "[PACKAGE|all|extras]"
+    def getSummary(self):
+        return """\
+Verify packages and display data on bad verifications"""
+    def doCheck(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
+        pass
+    def show_pkgs(self, msg, pkgs):
+        pass
+    @staticmethod
+    def _filter_results(oresults, verify_none=None):
+        if verify_none is None:
+            verify_none = _verify_none
+        results = {}
+        for fn in oresults:
+            probs = []
+            for problem in oresults[fn]:
+                if problem.type not in verify_none:
+                    probs.append(problem)
+            if probs:
+                results[fn] = probs
+        return results
+    @staticmethod
+    def _filter_empty(oresults):
+        results = {}
+        for fname in oresults:
+            if oresults[fname]:
+                results[fname] = oresults[fname]
+        return results
+    def _filter_multilib(self, data, pkg, results):
+        for fname in results:
+            problems = results[fname]
+            mpkgs = self._multilib[nevr(pkg)]
+            if not pkg_multilib_file(data, pkg, mpkgs, fname):
+                continue
+            tmp = []
+            for problem in problems:
+                if problem.type in _verify_multilib:
+                    continue
+                tmp.append(problem)
+            results[fname] = tmp
+        return self._filter_empty(results)
+    def filter_data(self, msg, pkgs):
+        data = {}
+        for pkg in sorted(pkgs):
+            oresults = pkg.verify(patterns=self._filename_globs, all=self.all)
+            if not _verify_configs and not self.verify_configs_override:
+                for fn in oresults.keys():
+                    if 'configuration' in oresults[fn][0].file_types:
+                        del oresults[fn]
+            if self.multilib:
+                data[pkg] = oresults
+            else:
+                if self.all:
+                    results = self._filter_results(oresults, _verify_missingok)
+                else:
+                    results = self._filter_results(oresults)
+                if results:
+                    yield (pkg, results)
+        if not self.multilib:
+            return
+        ndata = {}
+        for pkg in data:
+            results = self._filter_results(data[pkg])
+            if nevr(pkg) in self._multilib:
+                ndata[pkg] = self._filter_multilib(data, pkg, results)
+            else:
+                ndata[pkg] = results
+        for pkg in sorted(pkgs):
+            if pkg in ndata and ndata[pkg]:
+                yield (pkg, ndata[pkg])
+    def _mode_except(self, base, line, problem=None, exceptions=None):
+        if exceptions is None:
+            exceptions = _verify_low
+        if problem is not None and problem.type in exceptions:
+            return ("", "")
+        hib = ""
+        hie = ""
+        name = 'fg_' + line
+        if name in self.conf and self.conf[name] in base.term.FG_COLOR:
+            hib += base.term.FG_COLOR[self.conf[name]]
+        name = 'bg_' + line
+        if name in self.conf and self.conf[name] in base.term.BG_COLOR:
+            hib += base.term.BG_COLOR[self.conf[name]]
+        name = 'hi_' + line
+        if name in self.conf and self.conf[name] in base.term.MODE:
+            hib += base.term.MODE[self.conf[name]]
+        hie = base.term.MODE['normal']
+        return (hib, hie)
+    def show_problem(self, base, msg, problem, done):
+        if done:
+            msg("%s%s%s" % (' ' * 35, '-' * 8, ' ' * 35))
+        (hib, hie) = self._mode_except(base, 'prob', problem)
+        msg("        Problem:  " + hib + problem.message + hie)
+        if problem.type not in _verify_missing:
+            cv = problem.disk_value
+            ov = problem.database_value
+            if problem.type == 'mtime':
+                cv = time.ctime(cv) + " (%s)" % format_time_diff(cv, ov)
+                ov = time.ctime(ov)
+            if problem.type == 'mode':
+                cv = format_mode(cv)
+                ov = format_mode(ov)
+            if problem.type == 'size':
+                cv = "%*s" % (5, base.format_number(cv))
+                ov = "%*s" % (5, base.format_number(ov))
+            (hib, hie) = self._mode_except(base, 'new', problem, _verify_nnohi)
+            msg("        Current:  " + hib + cv + hie)
+            (hib, hie) = self._mode_except(base, 'old', problem, _verify_onohi)
+            msg("        Original: " + hib + ov + hie)
+    def show_data(self, base, msg, pkgs, name):
+        done = False
+        mcb = lambda x: base.matchcallback(x, [])
+        for (pkg, results) in self.filter_data(msg, pkgs):
+            if not done:
+                msg("%s %s %s" % ('=' * 20, name, '=' * 20))
+            else:
+                msg('')
+            done = True
+            mcb(pkg)
+            for fname in sorted(results):
+                hiprobs = len(filter(lambda x: x.type not in _verify_low,
+                                     results[fname]))
+                if hiprobs:
+                    (hib, hie) = self._mode_except(base, 'file')
+                else:
+                    (hib, hie) = ("", "")
+                msg("    File: " + hib + fname + hie)
+                if hiprobs:
+                    (hib, hie) = self._mode_except(base, 'tags')
+                else:
+                    (hib, hie) = ("", "")
+                done_prob = False
+                for problem in sorted(results[fname]):
+                    if not done_prob and problem.file_types:
+                        tags = ", ".join(problem.file_types)
+                        msg("    Tags: " + hib + tags + hie)
+                    self.show_problem(base, msg, problem, done_prob)
+                    done_prob = True
+    def doCommand(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
+        logger = logging.getLogger("yum.verbose.main")
+        def msg(x):
+            logger.log(logginglevels.INFO_2, x)
+        def msg_warn(x):
+            logger.warn(x)
+        opts = base.plugins.cmdline[0]
+        if opts.verify_configuration_files is not None:
+            val = opts.verify_configuration_files
+            if False: pass
+            elif val.lower() in ["0", "no", "false", "off"]:
+                _verify_configs = False
+            elif val.lower() in ["1", "yes", "true", "on"]:
+                _verify_configs = True
+            else:
+                msg_warn("Ignoring bad value \"%s\" for the option %s" %
+                         (val, "--verify-configuration-files"))
+        self._filename_globs = None
+        if opts.verify_filenames:
+            self._filename_globs = opts.verify_filenames
+        subgroup = ["installed"]
+        if len(extcmds):
+            if extcmds[0] == "all":
+                extcmds = extcmds[1:]
+            elif extcmds[0] == "extras":
+                subgroup = ["extras"]
+                extcmds = extcmds[1:]
+        if self.multilib:
+            pkgs = base.returnPkgLists(["installed"]).installed
+            self._multilib = {}
+            for pkg in pkgs:
+                self._multilib.setdefault(nevr(pkg), []).append(pkg)
+            for pkg in pkgs:
+                if len(self._multilib[nevr(pkg)]) == 1:
+                    del self._multilib[nevr(pkg)]
+            # self._multilib is now a dict of all pkgs that have more than one
+            # nevr() match
+        ypl = base.returnPkgLists(subgroup + extcmds)
+        self.show_data(base, msg, ypl.installed, 'Installed Packages')
+        self.show_data(base, msg, ypl.extras,    'Extra Packages')
+        return 0, [basecmd + ' done']
+def config_hook(conduit):
+    '''
+    Yum Plugin Config Hook: 
+    Add the 'verify' and 'verify-no-multilib' commands.
+    '''
+    global _verify_configs
+    global _verify_low
+    global _verify_onohi
+    global _verify_nnohi
+    _verify_configs = conduit.confBool('main', 'configuration-files',
+                                       default=False)
+    low = conduit.confString('highlight', 'low-priority', default=None)
+    if low:
+        _verify_low   = filter(len, low.replace(',', ' ').split())
+    fold = conduit.confString('highlight', 'filter-old', default=None)
+    if fold:
+        _verify_onohi = filter(len, fold.replace(',', ' ').split())
+    fnew = conduit.confString('highlight', 'filter-new', default=None)
+    if fnew:
+        _verify_nnohi = filter(len, fnew.replace(',', ' ').split())
+    conf = {}
+    conf['hi_prob'] = conduit.confString('highlight', 'problem', default='bold')
+    conf['fg_prob'] = conduit.confString('highlight', 'problem-fg',default=None)
+    conf['bg_prob'] = conduit.confString('highlight', 'problem-bg',default=None)
+    conf['hi_new'] = conduit.confString('highlight', 'new', default='reverse')
+    conf['fg_new'] = conduit.confString('highlight', 'new-fg', default=None)
+    conf['bg_new'] = conduit.confString('highlight', 'new-bg', default=None)
+    conf['hi_old'] = conduit.confString('highlight', 'old',    default=None)
+    conf['fg_old'] = conduit.confString('highlight', 'old-fg', default='red')
+    conf['bg_old'] = conduit.confString('highlight', 'old-bg', default=None)
+    conf['hi_file'] = conduit.confString('highlight', 'file',
+                                         default='underline')
+    conf['fg_file'] = conduit.confString('highlight', 'file-fg',
+                                         default='green')
+    conf['bg_file'] = conduit.confString('highlight', 'file-bg', default=None)
+    conf['hi_tags'] = conduit.confString('highlight', 'tags',    default='bold')
+    conf['fg_tags'] = conduit.confString('highlight', 'tags-fg',
+                                         default='yellow')
+    conf['bg_tags'] = conduit.confString('highlight', 'tags-bg',
+                                         default='black')
+    reg = conduit.registerCommand
+    reg(VerifyCommand(['verify-all'], conf, multilib=False,
+                      verify_configs_override=True, all=True))
+    reg(VerifyCommand(['verify-rpm'], conf, multilib=False,
+                      verify_configs_override=True))
+    reg(VerifyCommand(['verify-multilib','verify'], conf))
+    parser = conduit.getOptParser()
+    if not parser:
+        return
+    def make_nopt(attrs):
+        attrs = attrs.replace("-", "_")
+        def func(opt, key, val, parser):
+            vals = str(val).replace(",", " ").split()
+            vals = filter(len, vals)
+            getattr(parser.values, 'verify_' + attrs).extend(vals)
+        return func
+    parser.values.verify_files = []
+    parser.add_option('--verify-filenames', action="callback",
+                      callback=make_nopt('filenames'), default=[],type="string",
+                      help='Only verify files matching this')
+    parser.add_option('--verify-configuration-files', action="store",
+                      type="string",
+                      help='Verify files tagged as configuration files')
diff --git a/yum-utils.spec b/yum-utils.spec
index 772aa96..9fe6d8a 100644
--- a/yum-utils.spec
+++ b/yum-utils.spec
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ each category, if any were specified.
 %package -n yum-tmprepo
 Summary: Yum plugin to add temporary repositories
 Group: System Environment/Base
-Requires: yum >= 3.0.5
+Requires: yum >= 3.2.11
 %description -n yum-tmprepo
 This plugin adds the option --tmprepo which takes a url to a .repo file
@@ -237,6 +237,16 @@ downloads it and enables it for a single run. This plugin tries to ensure
 that temporary repositories are safe to use, by default, by not allowing
 gpg checking to be disabled.
+%package -n yum-verify
+Summary: Yum plugin to add verify command, and options
+Group: System Environment/Base
+Requires: yum >= 3.2.12
+%description -n yum-verify
+This plugin adds the commands verify, verify-all and verify-rpm. There are
+also a couple of options. This command works like rpm -V, to verify your
 %setup -q
@@ -248,7 +258,7 @@ make -C updateonboot DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT install
 # Plugins to install
 plugins="changelog fastestmirror fedorakmod protectbase versionlock tsflags kernel-module \
          downloadonly allowdowngrade skip-broken priorities refresh-updatesd merge-conf \
-         security protect-packages basearchonly upgrade-helper aliases list-data filter-data tmprepo"
+         security protect-packages basearchonly upgrade-helper aliases list-data filter-data tmprepo verify"
 mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_sysconfdir}/yum/pluginconf.d/ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/lib/yum-plugins/
@@ -417,8 +427,16 @@ fi
 %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/yum/pluginconf.d/tmprepo.conf
+%files -n yum-verify
+%defattr(-, root, root)
+%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/yum/pluginconf.d/verify.conf
+* Sat Mar  1 2008 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org>
+- Add verify plugin
 * Wed Feb 20 2008 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org>
 - Add empty versionlock file
commit 5d02f477beda6b35fea7b61a2a81f1321a6ee8f0
Author: James Antill <james at and.org>
Date:   Wed Feb 27 01:24:41 2008 -0500

    Minor cleanup

diff --git a/plugins/tmprepo/tmprepo.py b/plugins/tmprepo/tmprepo.py
index 83e6054..ad8ca33 100644
--- a/plugins/tmprepo/tmprepo.py
+++ b/plugins/tmprepo/tmprepo.py
@@ -98,6 +98,8 @@ def prereposetup_hook(conduit):
     opts, args = conduit.getCmdLine()
+    if not opts.tmp_repos:
+        return
     log = logging.getLogger("yum.verbose.main")
     add_repos(conduit._base, log, opts.tmp_repos,
               make_validate(log, my_gpgcheck))

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