[yum-git] Branch 'yum-3_2_X' - 2 commits - yum/__init__.py yum/misc.py yum/pgpmsg.py

Seth Vidal skvidal at linux.duke.edu
Mon Jun 9 17:10:20 UTC 2008

 yum/__init__.py |   99 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------
 yum/misc.py     |   63 +++++++++++++++++++----------------
 yum/pgpmsg.py   |   27 +++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 113 insertions(+), 76 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 4038faebc5a62c6e18833a4fedad793e6aa85b2e
Merge: 7628d5d... b23f24b...
Author: Seth Vidal <skvidal at fedoraproject.org>
Date:   Mon Jun 9 13:09:43 2008 -0400

    Merge branch 'yum-3_2_X' of ssh://login1.linux.duke.edu/home/groups/yum/git/yum into yum-3_2_X
    * 'yum-3_2_X' of ssh://login1.linux.duke.edu/home/groups/yum/git/yum:
       Fix provides output, to have highlights and make it always "verbose".
      updated de translation by Jochen Schmitt
      The postresolve hook should run after the installonlyn magic.

commit 7628d5d02636857bfa5b28c137c402857f677cc1
Author: Seth Vidal <skvidal at fedoraproject.org>
Date:   Mon Jun 9 13:08:14 2008 -0400

    make gpg key importing support muleiple keys per file

diff --git a/yum/__init__.py b/yum/__init__.py
index ee096c6..23c755b 100644
--- a/yum/__init__.py
+++ b/yum/__init__.py
@@ -2658,7 +2658,6 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
                           of a key. Differs from askcb in that it gets passed
                           a dictionary so that we can expand the values passed.
         repo = self.repos.getRepo(po.repoid)
         keyurls = repo.gpgkey
         key_installed = False
@@ -2676,61 +2675,65 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
                                           unicode(str(e), 'UTF-8', 'replace'))
             # Parse the key
-            try:
-                keyinfo = misc.getgpgkeyinfo(rawkey)
-                keyid = keyinfo['keyid']
-                hexkeyid = misc.keyIdToRPMVer(keyid).upper()
-                timestamp = keyinfo['timestamp']
-                userid = keyinfo['userid']
-                fingerprint = keyinfo['fingerprint']
-            except ValueError, e:
-                raise Errors.YumBaseError, \
-                      _('GPG key parsing failed: ') + str(e)
-            # Check if key is already installed
-            if misc.keyInstalled(ts, keyid, timestamp) >= 0:
-                self.logger.info(_('GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already installed') % (
-                    keyurl, hexkeyid))
-                continue
-            # Try installing/updating GPG key
-            self.logger.critical(_('Importing GPG key 0x%s "%s" from %s') % (hexkeyid, userid, keyurl.replace("file://","")))
-            rc = False
-            if self.conf.assumeyes:
-                rc = True
-            elif fullaskcb:
-                rc = fullaskcb({"po": po, "userid": userid,
-                                "hexkeyid": hexkeyid, "keyurl": keyurl,
-                                "fingerprint": fingerprint, "timestamp": timestamp})
-            elif askcb:
-                rc = askcb(po, userid, hexkeyid)
-            if not rc:
-                raise Errors.YumBaseError, _("Not installing key")
-            # Import the key
-            result = ts.pgpImportPubkey(misc.procgpgkey(rawkey))
-            if result != 0:
-                raise Errors.YumBaseError, \
-                      _('Key import failed (code %d)') % result
-            misc.import_key_to_pubring(rawkey, po.repo.cachedir)
+            keys_info = misc.getgpgkeyinfo(rawkey, multiple=True)
-            self.logger.info(_('Key imported successfully'))
-            key_installed = True
+            for keyinfo in keys_info:
+                try: 
+                    keyid = keyinfo['keyid']
+                    hexkeyid = misc.keyIdToRPMVer(keyid).upper()
+                    timestamp = keyinfo['timestamp']
+                    userid = keyinfo['userid']
+                    fingerprint = keyinfo['fingerprint']
+                    raw_key = keyinfo['raw_key']
+                except ValueError, e:
+                    raise Errors.YumBaseError, \
+                          _('GPG key parsing failed: ') + str(e)
-            if not key_installed:
-                raise Errors.YumBaseError, \
-                      _('The GPG keys listed for the "%s" repository are ' \
-                      'already installed but they are not correct for this ' \
-                      'package.\n' \
-                      'Check that the correct key URLs are configured for ' \
-                      'this repository.') % (repo.name)
+                # Check if key is already installed
+                if misc.keyInstalled(ts, keyid, timestamp) >= 0:
+                    self.logger.info(_('GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already installed') % (
+                        keyurl, hexkeyid))
+                    continue
+                # Try installing/updating GPG key
+                self.logger.critical(_('Importing GPG key 0x%s "%s" from %s') % (hexkeyid, userid, keyurl.replace("file://","")))
+                rc = False
+                if self.conf.assumeyes:
+                    rc = True
+                elif fullaskcb:
+                    rc = fullaskcb({"po": po, "userid": userid,
+                                    "hexkeyid": hexkeyid, "keyurl": keyurl,
+                                    "fingerprint": fingerprint, "timestamp": timestamp})
+                elif askcb:
+                    rc = askcb(po, userid, hexkeyid)
+                if not rc:
+                    raise Errors.YumBaseError, _("Not installing key")
+                # Import the key
+                result = ts.pgpImportPubkey(misc.procgpgkey(raw_key))
+                if result != 0:
+                    raise Errors.YumBaseError, \
+                          _('Key import failed (code %d)') % result
+                misc.import_key_to_pubring(rawkey, po.repo.cachedir)
+                self.logger.info(_('Key imported successfully'))
+                key_installed = True
+                if not key_installed:
+                    raise Errors.YumBaseError, \
+                          _('The GPG keys listed for the "%s" repository are ' \
+                          'already installed but they are not correct for this ' \
+                          'package.\n' \
+                          'Check that the correct key URLs are configured for ' \
+                          'this repository.') % (repo.name)
         # Check if the newly installed keys helped
         result, errmsg = self.sigCheckPkg(po)
         if result != 0:
             self.logger.info(_("Import of key(s) didn't help, wrong key(s)?"))
             raise Errors.YumBaseError, errmsg
     def _limit_installonly_pkgs(self):
         if self.conf.installonly_limit < 1 :
diff --git a/yum/misc.py b/yum/misc.py
index 67b9171..cc7221b 100644
--- a/yum/misc.py
+++ b/yum/misc.py
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ def procgpgkey(rawkey):
     # Decode and return
     return base64.decodestring(block.getvalue())
-def getgpgkeyinfo(rawkey):
+def getgpgkeyinfo(rawkey, multiple=False):
     '''Return a dict of info for the given ASCII armoured key text
     Returned dict will have the following keys: 'userid', 'keyid', 'timestamp'
@@ -241,38 +241,45 @@ def getgpgkeyinfo(rawkey):
     Will raise ValueError if there was a problem decoding the key.
     # Catch all exceptions as there can be quite a variety raised by this call
+    key_info_objs = []
-        key = pgpmsg.decode_msg(rawkey)
+        keys = pgpmsg.decode_multiple_keys(rawkey)
     except Exception, e:
         raise ValueError(str(e))
-    if key is None:
+    if len(keys) == 0:
         raise ValueError('No key found in given key data')
-    keyid_blob = key.public_key.key_id()
-    info = {
-        'userid': key.user_id,
-        'keyid': struct.unpack('>Q', keyid_blob)[0],
-        'timestamp': key.public_key.timestamp,
-        'fingerprint' : key.public_key.fingerprint,
-    }
-    # Retrieve the timestamp from the matching signature packet 
-    # (this is what RPM appears to do) 
-    for userid in key.user_ids[0]:
-        if not isinstance(userid, pgpmsg.signature):
-            continue
-        if userid.key_id() == keyid_blob:
-            # Get the creation time sub-packet if available
-            if hasattr(userid, 'hashed_subpaks'):
-                tspkt = \
-                    userid.get_hashed_subpak(pgpmsg.SIG_SUB_TYPE_CREATE_TIME)
-                if tspkt != None:
-                    info['timestamp'] = int(tspkt[1])
-                    break
+    for key in keys:    
+        keyid_blob = key.public_key.key_id()
+        info = {
+            'userid': key.user_id,
+            'keyid': struct.unpack('>Q', keyid_blob)[0],
+            'timestamp': key.public_key.timestamp,
+            'fingerprint' : key.public_key.fingerprint,
+            'raw_key' : key.raw_key,
+        }
+        # Retrieve the timestamp from the matching signature packet 
+        # (this is what RPM appears to do) 
+        for userid in key.user_ids[0]:
+            if not isinstance(userid, pgpmsg.signature):
+                continue
+            if userid.key_id() == keyid_blob:
+                # Get the creation time sub-packet if available
+                if hasattr(userid, 'hashed_subpaks'):
+                    tspkt = \
+                        userid.get_hashed_subpak(pgpmsg.SIG_SUB_TYPE_CREATE_TIME)
+                    if tspkt != None:
+                        info['timestamp'] = int(tspkt[1])
+                        break
+        key_info_objs.append(info)
+    if multiple:      
+        return key_info_objs
+    else:
+        return key_info_objs[0]
-    return info
 def keyIdToRPMVer(keyid):
     '''Convert an integer representing a GPG key ID to the hex version string
diff --git a/yum/pgpmsg.py b/yum/pgpmsg.py
index 72d3480..35a7801 100644
--- a/yum/pgpmsg.py
+++ b/yum/pgpmsg.py
@@ -1110,9 +1110,36 @@ def decode_msg(msg) :
             # turn it into a real cert
             cert = pgp_certificate()
+            cert.raw_key = msg
             return cert
         # add the data to our buffer then
     return None
+def decode_multiple_keys(msg):
+    #ditto of above - but handling multiple certs/keys per file
+    certs = []
+    pgpkey_lines = map(lambda x : x.rstrip(), msg.split('\n'))
+    in_block = 0
+    block = ''
+    for l in pgpkey_lines :
+        if not in_block :
+            if l == '-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----' :
+                in_block = 1        
+                block += '%s\n' % l
+                continue
+        block += '%s\n' % l
+        if l == '-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----':
+            in_block = 0
+            cert = decode_msg(block)
+            if cert:
+                certs.append(cert)
+            block = ''
+            continue
+    return certs

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