[yum-commits] Branch 'yum-3_2_X' - 2 commits - yum/Errors.py yum/i18n.py yum/misc.py

skvidal at osuosl.org skvidal at osuosl.org
Tue Dec 16 16:09:03 UTC 2008

 yum/Errors.py |    5 +++++
 yum/i18n.py   |   31 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 yum/misc.py   |   29 +----------------------------
 3 files changed, 36 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 66f1747e63b9dead528e257cba827f4281f3ce61
Merge: 5c45771... edc44ae...
Author: Seth Vidal <skvidal at fedoraproject.org>
Date:   Tue Dec 16 11:08:16 2008 -0500

    Merge branch 'yum-3_2_X' of ssh://yum.baseurl.org/srv/projects/yum/git/yum into yum-3_2_X
    * 'yum-3_2_X' of ssh://yum.baseurl.org/srv/projects/yum/git/yum:
      pt_BR translation updates by Igor Pires Soares
      Add o as list option, for FEDORA-2008-9779 among others
      Use our utf8/non-broken, textwrap, for yum info-security
      Use our utf8/non-broken, textwrap, for yum info
      Add textwrap.wrap/fill ... as the core versions are broken in various ways
      Stop skip-broken from looping in weird cases

diff --cc yum/i18n.py
index d967167,fb7a5ac..46a4318
--- a/yum/i18n.py
+++ b/yum/i18n.py
@@@ -274,38 -275,85 +274,115 @@@ def utf8_valid(msg)
          if ucs is None:
              return False
      return True
+ def utf8_text_wrap(text, width=70, initial_indent='', subsequent_indent=''):
+     """ Works like we want textwrap.wrap() to work, uses utf-8 data and
+         doesn't screw up lists/blocks/etc. """
+     # Tested with:
+     # yum info robodoc gpicview php-pear-Net-Socket wmctrl ustr moreutils
+     #          mediawiki-HNP ocspd insight yum mousepad
+     # ...at 120, 80 and 40 chars.
+     passed_unicode = isinstance(text, unicode)
+     def _indent_at_beg(line):
+         count = 0
+         byte = 'X'
+         for byte in line:
+             if byte != ' ':
+                 break
+             count += 1
+         list_chr = utf8_width_chop(line[count:], 1)[1]
+         if list_chr in ("-", "*", ".", "o",
+                         "\xe2\x80\xa2", "\xe2\x80\xa3", "\xe2\x88\x98"):
+             nxt = _indent_at_beg(line[count+len(list_chr):])
+             nxt = nxt[1] or nxt[0]
+             if nxt:
+                 return count, count + 1 + nxt
+         return count, 0
+     initial_indent = to_utf8(initial_indent)
+     subsequent_indent = to_utf8(subsequent_indent)
+     text = to_utf8(text).rstrip('\n')
+     lines = to_utf8(text).replace('\t', ' ' * 8).split('\n')
+     ret = []
+     indent = initial_indent
+     wrap_last = False
+     csab = 0
+     cspc_indent = 0
+     for line in lines:
+         line = line.rstrip(' ')
+         (lsab, lspc_indent) = (csab, cspc_indent)
+         (csab, cspc_indent) = _indent_at_beg(line)
+         if wrap_last and cspc_indent:
+             ret.append(indent.rstrip(' '))
+             indent = subsequent_indent
+             wrap_last = False
+         if wrap_last:
+             line = line.lstrip(' ')
+             cspc_indent = lspc_indent
+         if (utf8_width(indent) + utf8_width(line)) <= width:
+             wrap_last = False
+             ret.append(indent + line)
+             indent = subsequent_indent
+             continue
+         wrap_last = True
+         words = line.split(' ')
+         line = indent
+         while words:
+             word = words.pop(0)
+             if (utf8_width(line) + utf8_width(word)) > width:
+                 ret.append(line.rstrip(' '))
+                 line = subsequent_indent + ' ' * cspc_indent
+             line += word
+             line += ' '
+         indent = line.rstrip(' ') + ' '
+     if wrap_last:
+         ret.append(indent.rstrip(' '))
+     if passed_unicode:
+         return map(to_unicode, ret)
+     return ret
+ def utf8_text_fill(text, *args, **kwargs):
+     """ Works like we want textwrap.fill() to work, uses utf-8 data and
+         doesn't screw up lists/blocks/etc. """
+     return '\n'.join(utf8_text_wrap(text, *args, **kwargs))
  # ----------------------------- END utf8 -----------------------------
 +def to_unicode(obj, encoding='utf-8', errors='replace'):
 +    ''' convert a 'str' to 'unicode' '''
 +    if isinstance(obj, basestring):
 +        if not isinstance(obj, unicode):
 +            obj = unicode(obj, encoding, errors)
 +    return obj
 +def to_utf8(obj, errors='replace'):
 +    '''convert 'unicode' to an encoded utf-8 byte string '''
 +    if isinstance(obj, unicode):
 +        obj = obj.encode('utf-8', errors)
 +    return obj
 +# Don't use this, to_unicode should just work now
 +def to_unicode_maybe(obj, encoding='utf-8', errors='replace'):
 +    ''' Don't ask don't tell, only use when you must '''
 +    try:
 +        return to_unicode(obj, encoding, errors)
 +    except UnicodeEncodeError:
 +        return obj
 +def to_str(obj):
 +    """ Convert something to a string, if it isn't one. """
 +    # NOTE: unicode counts as a string just fine. We just want objects to call
 +    # their __str__ methods.
 +    if not isinstance(obj, basestring):
 +        obj = str(obj)
 +    return obj
      Setup the yum translation domain and make _() translation wrapper
commit 5c4577185666afe7928073924f8c1ebd71de07ac
Author: Seth Vidal <skvidal at fedoraproject.org>
Date:   Tue Dec 16 11:06:24 2008 -0500

    to make exception reporting work on python 2.6.
    thanks to Ignacio Vazquez for finding the specific problem.
    closes rh bug #475633

diff --git a/yum/Errors.py b/yum/Errors.py
index 4bccd86..be6bda2 100644
--- a/yum/Errors.py
+++ b/yum/Errors.py
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
 Exceptions and Errors thrown by yum.
+from i18n import to_unicode
 class YumBaseError(Exception):
     Base Yum Error. All other Errors thrown by yum should inherit from
@@ -29,6 +31,9 @@ class YumBaseError(Exception):
     def __str__(self):
         return "%s" %(self.value,)
+    def __unicode__(self):
+        return '%s' % to_unicode(self.value)
 class YumGPGCheckError(YumBaseError):
diff --git a/yum/i18n.py b/yum/i18n.py
index bcc895e..d967167 100755
--- a/yum/i18n.py
+++ b/yum/i18n.py
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-from yum.misc import to_unicode, to_utf8
 def dummy_wrapper(str):
@@ -277,6 +276,36 @@ def utf8_valid(msg):
     return True
 # ----------------------------- END utf8 -----------------------------
+def to_unicode(obj, encoding='utf-8', errors='replace'):
+    ''' convert a 'str' to 'unicode' '''
+    if isinstance(obj, basestring):
+        if not isinstance(obj, unicode):
+            obj = unicode(obj, encoding, errors)
+    return obj
+def to_utf8(obj, errors='replace'):
+    '''convert 'unicode' to an encoded utf-8 byte string '''
+    if isinstance(obj, unicode):
+        obj = obj.encode('utf-8', errors)
+    return obj
+# Don't use this, to_unicode should just work now
+def to_unicode_maybe(obj, encoding='utf-8', errors='replace'):
+    ''' Don't ask don't tell, only use when you must '''
+    try:
+        return to_unicode(obj, encoding, errors)
+    except UnicodeEncodeError:
+        return obj
+def to_str(obj):
+    """ Convert something to a string, if it isn't one. """
+    # NOTE: unicode counts as a string just fine. We just want objects to call
+    # their __str__ methods.
+    if not isinstance(obj, basestring):
+        obj = str(obj)
+    return obj
     Setup the yum translation domain and make _() translation wrapper
diff --git a/yum/misc.py b/yum/misc.py
index 108283b..e0e8256 100644
--- a/yum/misc.py
+++ b/yum/misc.py
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ except ImportError:
             raise ValueError, "Bad checksum type"
 from Errors import MiscError
+from i18n import to_unicode, to_unicode_maybe, to_utf8, to_str
 _share_data_store   = {}
 _share_data_store_u = {}
@@ -777,34 +778,6 @@ def setup_locale(override_codecs=True, override_time=False):
         sys.stdout = codecs.getwriter(locale.getpreferredencoding())(sys.stdout)
         sys.stdout.errors = 'replace'
-def to_unicode(obj, encoding='utf-8', errors='replace'):
-    ''' convert a 'str' to 'unicode' '''
-    if isinstance(obj, basestring):
-        if not isinstance(obj, unicode):
-            obj = unicode(obj, encoding, errors)
-    return obj
-def to_utf8(obj, errors='replace'):
-    '''convert 'unicode' to an encoded utf-8 byte string '''
-    if isinstance(obj, unicode):
-        obj = obj.encode('utf-8', errors)
-    return obj
-# Don't use this, to_unicode should just work now
-def to_unicode_maybe(obj, encoding='utf-8', errors='replace'):
-    ''' Don't ask don't tell, only use when you must '''
-    try:
-        return to_unicode(obj, encoding, errors)
-    except UnicodeEncodeError:
-        return obj
-def to_str(obj):
-    """ Convert something to a string, if it isn't one. """
-    # NOTE: unicode counts as a string just fine. We just want objects to call
-    # their __str__ methods.
-    if not isinstance(obj, basestring):
-        obj = str(obj)
-    return obj
 def get_my_lang_code():
     mylang = locale.getlocale()

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