[yum-git] 2 commits - Makefile yum-groups-manager.py yum-utils.spec
James Antill
james at linux.duke.edu
Wed Aug 20 19:54:47 UTC 2008
Makefile | 2
yum-groups-manager.py | 253 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
yum-utils.spec | 6 -
3 files changed, 259 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
New commits:
commit 1ad92d177d43eeff29469871e1a85795baf44be5
Author: James Antill <james at and.org>
Date: Wed Aug 20 15:53:58 2008 -0400
Add yum-groups-manager into the build/install
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index c52625a..a4984b1 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
SUBDIRS = docs
PKGNAME = yum-utils
-UTILS = package-cleanup debuginfo-install repoclosure repomanage repoquery repo-graph repo-rss yumdownloader yum-builddep repotrack reposync repodiff yum-debug-dump verifytree
+UTILS = package-cleanup debuginfo-install repoclosure repomanage repoquery repo-graph repo-rss yumdownloader yum-builddep repotrack reposync repodiff yum-debug-dump verifytree yum-groups-manager
UTILSROOT = yum-complete-transaction
VERSION=$(shell awk '/Version:/ { print $$2 }' ${PKGNAME}.spec)
RELEASE=$(shell awk '/Release:/ { print $$2 }' ${PKGNAME}.spec)
diff --git a/yum-utils.spec b/yum-utils.spec
index 04c9b0e..c4a51f4 100644
--- a/yum-utils.spec
+++ b/yum-utils.spec
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ manager. It includes utilities by different authors that make yum easier and
more powerful to use. These tools include: debuginfo-install, package-cleanup,
repoclosure, repodiff, repo-graph, repomanage, repoquery, repo-rss, reposync,
repotrack, verifytree, yum-builddep, yum-complete-transaction, yumdownloader,
+yum-debug-dump and yum-groups-manager.
%package -n yum-updateonboot
Summary: Run yum update on system boot
@@ -348,6 +348,7 @@ fi
@@ -497,6 +498,9 @@ fi
+* Wed Aug 20 2008 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org>
+- add yum-groups-manager
* Thu Aug 7 2008 Tim Lauridsen <timlau at fedoraproject.org>
- mark as 1.1.15
* Wed May 21 2008 Tim Lauridsen <timlau at fedoraproject.org>
commit c886c0a319d861719a1ee6b890ec1158d7adacb9
Author: James Antill <james at and.org>
Date: Wed Aug 20 15:49:32 2008 -0400
Add the initial version of the yum-groups-manager command, seems to work :)
diff --git a/yum-groups-manager.py b/yum-groups-manager.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ae0fb94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yum-groups-manager.py
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+#!/usr/bin/python -tt
+import os
+import sys
+import re
+import string
+import optparse
+import gzip
+import yum
+import yum.comps
+sys.path.insert(0, '/usr/share/yum-cli')
+import output
+from urlgrabber.progress import TextMeter
+def setup_opts():
+ version = "0.0.1"
+ vers_txt = "Create groups data version %s" % version
+ usage_txt = "%prog <pkg-wildcard>..."
+ parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage = usage_txt, version = vers_txt)
+ parser.add_option("-n", "--name", help="group name")
+ parser.add_option("--id", help="group id")
+ parser.add_option("--mandatory", action="store_true",
+ help="make the package names be in the mandatory section")
+ parser.add_option("--optional", action="store_true",
+ help="make the package names be in the optional section")
+ parser.add_option("--dependencies", action="store_true",
+ help="add the dependencies for this package")
+ parser.add_option("--not-user-visible", action="store_false", default=True,
+ help="make this a non-user visible group")
+ parser.add_option("--description", help="description for the group")
+ parser.add_option("--display-order", help="sort order override")
+ parser.add_option("--load", action="append", default=[],
+ help="load groups data from file and merge")
+ parser.add_option("--save",
+ help="save groups data to file (don't print)")
+ parser.add_option("--merge",
+ help="load and save groups data to file (don't print)")
+ parser.add_option("--print", dest="print2stdout",
+ action="store_true", default=None,
+ help="print the result to stdout")
+ parser.add_option("--translated-name", action="append",
+ dest="i18nname",
+ help="name for the group, translated")
+ parser.add_option("--translated-description", action="append",
+ dest="i18ndescription",
+ help="description for the group, translated")
+ # Generic options
+ parser.add_option("--quiet", action="store_true",
+ help="quiet (no output to stderr)", default=False)
+ parser.add_option("--verbose", action="store_false",
+ help="verbose output", dest="quiet")
+ parser.add_option("--enablerepo", action="append", dest="enablerepos",
+ help="specify repoids to query, can be specified multiple times (default is all enabled)")
+ parser.add_option("--disablerepo", action="append", dest="disablerepos",
+ help="specify repoids to disable, can be specified multiple times")
+ # tmprepo etc.
+ parser.add_option("--noplugins", action="store_false", default=True,
+ dest="plugins",
+ help="disable yum plugin support")
+ parser.add_option("-C", "--cache", action="store_true",
+ help="run from cache only")
+ parser.add_option("--tempcache", action="store_true",
+ help="use private cache (default when used as non-root)")
+ parser.add_option("-c", dest="conffile", help="config file location")
+ return parser
+def trans_data(yb, input):
+ data = input.split(':', 2)
+ if len(data) != 2:
+ yb.logger.error("Error: Incorrect translated data, should be: 'lang:text'")
+ sys.exit(50)
+ lang, text = data
+ alnum = string.ascii_letters + string.digits
+ lang = re.sub('[^' + alnum + '-_.@]', '', lang)
+ if not lang:
+ yb.logger.error("Error: Incorrect/empty language for translated data")
+ sys.exit(50)
+ return lang, text
+__req2pkgs = {}
+def req2pkgs(yb, req):
+ global __req2pkgs
+ req = str(req)
+ if req in __req2pkgs:
+ return __req2pkgs[req]
+ providers = []
+ try:
+ # XXX rhbz#246519, for some reason returnPackagesByDep() fails
+ # to find some root level directories while
+ # searchPackageProvides() does... use that for now
+ matches = yb.searchPackageProvides([req])
+ providers = matches.keys()
+ # provider.extend(yum.YumBase.returnPackagesByDep(self, depstring))
+ except yum.Errors.YumBaseError, err:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "No package provides %s" % req
+ return []
+ __req2pkgs[req] = providers
+ return providers
+def main():
+ parser = setup_opts()
+ (opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
+ if len(args) < 1:
+ parser.print_help()
+ sys.exit(1)
+ comps = yum.comps.Comps()
+ # Borrowing large sections from repoquery/pkg-tree etc.
+ initnoise = (not opts.quiet) * 2
+ yb = yum.YumBase()
+ yb.doConfigSetup(debuglevel=0, errorlevel=1)
+ if opts.conffile:
+ yb.doConfigSetup(fn=opts.conffile, debuglevel=initnoise,
+ init_plugins=opts.plugins)
+ else:
+ yb.doConfigSetup(debuglevel=initnoise, init_plugins=opts.plugins)
+ # Show what is going on, if --quiet is not set.
+ if not opts.quiet and sys.stdout.isatty():
+ yb.repos.setProgressBar(TextMeter(fo=sys.stdout))
+ yb.repos.callback = output.CacheProgressCallback()
+ yumout = output.YumOutput()
+ freport = ( yumout.failureReport, (), {} )
+ yb.repos.setFailureCallback( freport )
+ if os.geteuid() != 0 or opts.tempcache:
+ cachedir = yum.misc.getCacheDir()
+ if cachedir is None:
+ yb.logger.error("Error: Could not make cachedir, exiting")
+ sys.exit(50)
+ yb.repos.setCacheDir(cachedir)
+ yb.conf.cache = 0 # yum set cache=1, if uid != 0
+ if opts.cache:
+ yb.conf.cache = True
+ if not opts.quiet:
+ yb.logger.info('Running from cache, results might be incomplete.')
+ if False and opts.show_duplicates:
+ yb.conf.showdupesfromrepos = True
+ __show_all_versions__ = True
+ if opts.disablerepos:
+ for repo_match in opts.disablerepos:
+ for repo in yb.repos.findRepos(repo_match):
+ repo.disable()
+ if opts.enablerepos:
+ for repo_match in opts.enablerepos:
+ for repo in yb.repos.findRepos(repo_match):
+ repo.enable()
+ try:
+ yb.doRepoSetup()
+ except yum.Errors.RepoError, e:
+ yb.logger.error("Could not setup repo: %s" % (e))
+ sys.exit(50)
+ archlist = None
+ try:
+ yb.doSackSetup(archlist=archlist)
+ except yum.Errors.RepoError, e:
+ yb.logger.error(e)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ yum.misc.setup_locale()
+ if opts.merge:
+ opts.load.insert(0, opts.merge)
+ for fname in opts.load:
+ if not os.path.exists(fname):
+ print >>sys.stderr, "File not found:", fname
+ continue
+ print 'Loading %s' % fname
+ if fname.endswith('.gz'):
+ fname = gzip.open(cf)
+ comps.add(srcfile=fname)
+ group = yum.comps.Group()
+ if opts.name:
+ group.name = opts.name
+ if opts.id:
+ group.groupid = opts.id
+ elif group.name:
+ group.groupid = group.name.lower()
+ alnum = string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits
+ group.groupid = re.sub('[^' + alnum + '-_.:]', '',
+ group.groupid)
+ else:
+ yb.logger.error("No name or id for group")
+ sys.exit(50)
+ if opts.description:
+ group.description = opts.description
+ if opts.display_order:
+ group.display_order = int(opts.display_order)
+ for tn in opts.i18nname or []:
+ lang, text = trans_data(yb, tn)
+ group.translated_name[lang] = text
+ for td in opts.i18ndescription or []:
+ lang, text = trans_data(yb, td)
+ group.translated_description[lang] = text
+ pkgs = yb.pkgSack.returnNewestByName(patterns=sys.argv[1:])
+ pkgnames = set([pkg.name for pkg in pkgs])
+ if opts.dependencies:
+ for pkg in pkgs:
+ for rptup in pkg.returnPrco('requires'):
+ if rptup[0].startswith('rpmlib'):
+ continue
+ rname = yum.misc.prco_tuple_to_string(rptup)
+ pkgnames.update([pkg.name for pkg in req2pkgs(yb, rname)])
+ for pkgname in pkgnames:
+ if False: pass
+ elif opts.mandatory:
+ group.mandatory_packages[pkgname] = 1
+ elif opts.optional:
+ group.optional_packages[pkgname] = 1
+ else:
+ group.default_packages[pkgname] = 1
+ comps.add_group(group)
+ if opts.save:
+ fo = open(opts.save, "wb")
+ fo.write(comps.xml())
+ del fo
+ if opts.merge:
+ fo = open(opts.merge, "wb")
+ fo.write(comps.xml())
+ del fo
+ if (opts.print2stdout or
+ (opts.print2stdout is None and not (opts.save or opts.merge))):
+ print comps.xml()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
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