[yum-git] cli.py output.py yum/comps.py yum/__init__.py yum/misc.py

Seth Vidal skvidal at linux.duke.edu
Tue Apr 15 22:30:00 UTC 2008

 cli.py          |   39 ++++++----
 output.py       |    9 +-
 yum/__init__.py |  199 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------
 yum/comps.py    |   53 ++++++++++++--
 yum/misc.py     |   11 ++-
 5 files changed, 184 insertions(+), 127 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 0af2ab2a5985c6000c12199b562144dcea63a410
Author: Seth Vidal <skvidal at fedoraproject.org>
Date:   Tue Apr 15 18:27:10 2008 -0400

    - make groups work for groups with different groupids but the same name (dumb!)
    - make groupinfo and grouplist display properly in other languages
    - add return_groups() method to comps object - returns all matches not just the first one like return_group() did

diff --git a/cli.py b/cli.py
index 0454c9a..9d093c1 100644
--- a/cli.py
+++ b/cli.py
@@ -804,20 +804,21 @@ class YumBaseCli(yum.YumBase, output.YumOutput):
         installed, available = self.doGroupLists(uservisible=uservisible)
+        mylang = yum.misc.get_my_lang_code()
         if len(installed) > 0:
                 _('Installed Groups:'))
             for group in installed:
                 self.verbose_logger.log(yum.logginglevels.INFO_2, '   %s',
-                    group.name)
+                    group.nameByLang(mylang))
         if len(available) > 0:
                 _('Available Groups:'))
             for group in available:
                 self.verbose_logger.log(yum.logginglevels.INFO_2, '   %s',
-                    group.name)
+                    group.nameByLang(mylang))
         return 0, [_('Done')]
@@ -825,10 +826,12 @@ class YumBaseCli(yum.YumBase, output.YumOutput):
     def returnGroupInfo(self, userlist):
         """returns complete information on a list of groups"""
         for strng in userlist:
-            group = self.comps.return_group(strng)
-            if group:
+            group_matched = False
+            for group in self.comps.return_groups(strng):
-            else:
+                group_matched = True
+            if not group_matched:
                 self.logger.error(_('Warning: Group %s does not exist.'), strng)
         return 0, []
@@ -839,18 +842,22 @@ class YumBaseCli(yum.YumBase, output.YumOutput):
         pkgs_used = []
         for group_string in grouplist:
-            group = self.comps.return_group(group_string)
-            if not group:
-                self.logger.critical(_('Warning: Group %s does not exist.'), group_string)
-                continue
+            group_matched = False
+            for group in self.comps.return_groups(group_string):
+                group_matched = True
-            try:
-                txmbrs = self.selectGroup(group.groupid)
-            except yum.Errors.GroupsError:
-                self.logger.critical(_('Warning: Group %s does not exist.'), group_string)
+                try:
+                    txmbrs = self.selectGroup(group.groupid)
+                except yum.Errors.GroupsError:
+                    self.logger.critical(_('Warning: Group %s does not exist.'), group_string)
+                    continue
+                else:
+                    pkgs_used.extend(txmbrs)
+            if not group_matched:
+                self.logger.error(_('Warning: Group %s does not exist.'), group_strng)
-            else:
-                pkgs_used.extend(txmbrs)
         if not pkgs_used:
             return 0, [_('No packages in any requested group available to install or update')]
diff --git a/output.py b/output.py
index cc80301..c0cbb02 100644
--- a/output.py
+++ b/output.py
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ import re # For YumTerm
 from urlgrabber.progress import TextMeter
 from urlgrabber.grabber import URLGrabError
-from yum.misc import sortPkgObj, prco_tuple_to_string, to_str, to_unicode_maybe
+from yum.misc import sortPkgObj, prco_tuple_to_string, to_str, to_unicode_maybe, get_my_lang_code
 from rpmUtils.miscutils import checkSignals
 from yum.constants import *
@@ -367,9 +367,10 @@ class YumOutput:
     def displayPkgsInGroups(self, group):
-        print _('\nGroup: %s') % group.name
-        if group.description != "":
-            print _(' Description: %s') % group.description.encode("UTF-8")
+        mylang = get_my_lang_code()
+        print _('\nGroup: %s') % group.nameByLang(mylang)
+        if group.descriptionByLang(mylang) != "":
+            print _(' Description: %s') % to_unicode_maybe(group.descriptionByLang(mylang))
         if len(group.mandatory_packages) > 0:
             print _(' Mandatory Packages:')
             for item in sorted(group.mandatory_packages):
diff --git a/yum/__init__.py b/yum/__init__.py
index 3b029ca..6bde7b5 100644
--- a/yum/__init__.py
+++ b/yum/__init__.py
@@ -1726,107 +1726,109 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
         txmbrs_used = []
-        thisgroup = self.comps.return_group(grpid)
-        if not thisgroup:
+        thesegroups = self.comps.return_groups(grpid)
+        if not thesegroups:
             raise Errors.GroupsError, _("No Group named %s exists") % grpid
-        thisgroup.toremove = True
-        pkgs = thisgroup.packages
-        for pkg in thisgroup.packages:
-            txmbrs = self.remove(name=pkg)
-            txmbrs_used.extend(txmbrs)
-            for txmbr in txmbrs:
-                txmbr.groups.append(thisgroup.groupid)
+        for thisgroup in thesegroups:
+            thisgroup.toremove = True
+            pkgs = thisgroup.packages
+            for pkg in thisgroup.packages:
+                txmbrs = self.remove(name=pkg)
+                txmbrs_used.extend(txmbrs)
+                for txmbr in txmbrs:
+                    txmbr.groups.append(thisgroup.groupid)
         return txmbrs_used
     def groupUnremove(self, grpid):
         """unmark any packages in the group from being removed"""
-        thisgroup = self.comps.return_group(grpid)
-        if not thisgroup:
+        thesegroups = self.comps.return_groups(grpid)
+        if not thesegroups:
             raise Errors.GroupsError, _("No Group named %s exists") % grpid
-        thisgroup.toremove = False
-        pkgs = thisgroup.packages
-        for pkg in thisgroup.packages:
-            for txmbr in self.tsInfo:
-                if txmbr.po.name == pkg and txmbr.po.state in TS_INSTALL_STATES:
-                    try:
-                        txmbr.groups.remove(grpid)
-                    except ValueError:
-                        self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.DEBUG_1,
-                           _("package %s was not marked in group %s"), txmbr.po,
-                            grpid)
-                        continue
-                    # if there aren't any other groups mentioned then remove the pkg
-                    if len(txmbr.groups) == 0:
-                        self.tsInfo.remove(txmbr.po.pkgtup)
+        for thisgroup in thesegroups:
+            thisgroup.toremove = False
+            pkgs = thisgroup.packages
+            for pkg in thisgroup.packages:
+                for txmbr in self.tsInfo:
+                    if txmbr.po.name == pkg and txmbr.po.state in TS_INSTALL_STATES:
+                        try:
+                            txmbr.groups.remove(grpid)
+                        except ValueError:
+                            self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.DEBUG_1,
+                               _("package %s was not marked in group %s"), txmbr.po,
+                                grpid)
+                            continue
+                        # if there aren't any other groups mentioned then remove the pkg
+                        if len(txmbr.groups) == 0:
+                            self.tsInfo.remove(txmbr.po.pkgtup)
     def selectGroup(self, grpid):
         """mark all the packages in the group to be installed
            returns a list of transaction members it added to the transaction 
-        txmbrs_used = []
         if not self.comps.has_group(grpid):
             raise Errors.GroupsError, _("No Group named %s exists") % grpid
-        thisgroup = self.comps.return_group(grpid)
-        if not thisgroup:
+        txmbrs_used = []
+        thesegroups = self.comps.return_groups(grpid)
+        if not thesegroups:
             raise Errors.GroupsError, _("No Group named %s exists") % grpid
-        if thisgroup.selected:
-            return txmbrs_used
-        thisgroup.selected = True
-        pkgs = []
-        if 'mandatory' in self.conf.group_package_types:
-            pkgs.extend(thisgroup.mandatory_packages)
-        if 'default' in self.conf.group_package_types:
-            pkgs.extend(thisgroup.default_packages)
-        if 'optional' in self.conf.group_package_types:
-            pkgs.extend(thisgroup.optional_packages)
-        for pkg in pkgs:
-            self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.DEBUG_2,
-                _('Adding package %s from group %s'), pkg, thisgroup.groupid)
-            try:
-                txmbrs = self.install(name = pkg)
-            except Errors.InstallError, e:
-                self.verbose_logger.debug(_('No package named %s available to be installed'),
-                    pkg)
-            else:
-                txmbrs_used.extend(txmbrs)
-                for txmbr in txmbrs:
-                    txmbr.groups.append(thisgroup.groupid)
-        if self.conf.enable_group_conditionals:
-            for condreq, cond in thisgroup.conditional_packages.iteritems():
-                if self.isPackageInstalled(cond):
-                    try:
-                        txmbrs = self.install(name = condreq)
-                    except Errors.InstallError:
-                        # we don't care if the package doesn't exist
-                        continue
+        for thisgroup in thesegroups:
+            if thisgroup.selected:
+                continue
+            thisgroup.selected = True
+            pkgs = []
+            if 'mandatory' in self.conf.group_package_types:
+                pkgs.extend(thisgroup.mandatory_packages)
+            if 'default' in self.conf.group_package_types:
+                pkgs.extend(thisgroup.default_packages)
+            if 'optional' in self.conf.group_package_types:
+                pkgs.extend(thisgroup.optional_packages)
+            for pkg in pkgs:
+                self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.DEBUG_2,
+                    _('Adding package %s from group %s'), pkg, thisgroup.groupid)
+                try:
+                    txmbrs = self.install(name = pkg)
+                except Errors.InstallError, e:
+                    self.verbose_logger.debug(_('No package named %s available to be installed'),
+                        pkg)
+                else:
                     for txmbr in txmbrs:
-                    continue
-                # Otherwise we hook into tsInfo.add
-                pkgs = self.pkgSack.searchNevra(name=condreq)
-                if pkgs:
-                    pkgs = self.bestPackagesFromList(pkgs)
-                if self.tsInfo.conditionals.has_key(cond):
-                    self.tsInfo.conditionals[cond].extend(pkgs)
-                else:
-                    self.tsInfo.conditionals[cond] = pkgs
+            if self.conf.enable_group_conditionals:
+                for condreq, cond in thisgroup.conditional_packages.iteritems():
+                    if self.isPackageInstalled(cond):
+                        try:
+                            txmbrs = self.install(name = condreq)
+                        except Errors.InstallError:
+                            # we don't care if the package doesn't exist
+                            continue
+                        txmbrs_used.extend(txmbrs)
+                        for txmbr in txmbrs:
+                            txmbr.groups.append(thisgroup.groupid)
+                        continue
+                    # Otherwise we hook into tsInfo.add
+                    pkgs = self.pkgSack.searchNevra(name=condreq)
+                    if pkgs:
+                        pkgs = self.bestPackagesFromList(pkgs)
+                    if self.tsInfo.conditionals.has_key(cond):
+                        self.tsInfo.conditionals[cond].extend(pkgs)
+                    else:
+                        self.tsInfo.conditionals[cond] = pkgs
         return txmbrs_used
@@ -1836,27 +1838,28 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
         if not self.comps.has_group(grpid):
             raise Errors.GroupsError, _("No Group named %s exists") % grpid
-        thisgroup = self.comps.return_group(grpid)
-        if not thisgroup:
+        thesegroups = self.comps.return_groups(grpid)
+        if not thesegroups:
             raise Errors.GroupsError, _("No Group named %s exists") % grpid
-        thisgroup.selected = False
-        for pkgname in thisgroup.packages:
-            for txmbr in self.tsInfo:
-                if txmbr.po.name == pkgname and txmbr.po.state in TS_INSTALL_STATES:
-                    try: 
-                        txmbr.groups.remove(grpid)
-                    except ValueError:
-                        self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.DEBUG_1,
-                           _("package %s was not marked in group %s"), txmbr.po,
-                            grpid)
-                        continue
-                    # if there aren't any other groups mentioned then remove the pkg
-                    if len(txmbr.groups) == 0:
-                        self.tsInfo.remove(txmbr.po.pkgtup)
+        for thisgroup in thesegroups:
+            thisgroup.selected = False
+            for pkgname in thisgroup.packages:
+                for txmbr in self.tsInfo:
+                    if txmbr.po.name == pkgname and txmbr.po.state in TS_INSTALL_STATES:
+                        try: 
+                            txmbr.groups.remove(grpid)
+                        except ValueError:
+                            self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.DEBUG_1,
+                               _("package %s was not marked in group %s"), txmbr.po,
+                                grpid)
+                            continue
+                        # if there aren't any other groups mentioned then remove the pkg
+                        if len(txmbr.groups) == 0:
+                            self.tsInfo.remove(txmbr.po.pkgtup)
@@ -2444,6 +2447,10 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
                             ver=nevra_dict['version'], rel=nevra_dict['release'])
                 if len(pkgs) == 0:
+                    # FIXME we should give the caller some nice way to hush this warning
+                    # probably just a kwarg of 'silence_warnings' or something
+                    # b/c when this is called from groupRemove() it makes a lot of
+                    # garbage noise
                     self.logger.warning(_("No package matched to remove"))
         for po in pkgs:
diff --git a/yum/comps.py b/yum/comps.py
index fe4a022..f9b94ed 100755
--- a/yum/comps.py
+++ b/yum/comps.py
@@ -71,19 +71,36 @@ class Group(object):
         return lst
     packages = property(_packageiter)
+    def _expand_languages(self, lang):
+        import gettext
+        languages = [lang]
+        if 'C' not in languages:
+            languages.append('C')
+        # now normalize and expand the languages
+        nelangs = []
+        for lang in languages:
+            for nelang in gettext._expand_lang(lang):
+                if nelang not in nelangs:
+                    nelangs.append(nelang)
+        return nelangs
     def nameByLang(self, lang):
-        if self.translated_name.has_key[lang]:
-            return self.translated_name[lang]
-        else:
-            return self.name
+        for langcode in self._expand_languages(lang):
+            if self.translated_name.has_key(langcode):
+                return self.translated_name[langcode]
+        return self.name
     def descriptionByLang(self, lang):
-        if self.translated_description.has_key[lang]:
-            return self.translated_description[lang]
-        else:
-            return self.description
+        for langcode in self._expand_languages(lang):
+            if self.translated_description.has_key(langcode):
+                return self.translated_description[langcode]
+        return self.description
     def parse(self, elem):
         for child in elem:
@@ -367,7 +384,7 @@ class Comps(object):
     def has_group(self, grpid):
-        exists = self.return_group(grpid)
+        exists = self.return_groups(grpid)
         if exists:
             return True
@@ -388,6 +405,22 @@ class Comps(object):
         return None
+    def return_groups(self, grpid):
+        returns = {}
+        if self._groups.has_key(grpid):
+            thisgroup = self._groups[grpid]
+            returns[thisgroup.groupid] = thisgroup
+        # do matches against group names and ids, too
+        for group in self.groups:
+            names = [ group.name, group.groupid ]
+            names.extend(group.translated_name.values())
+            if grpid in names:
+                returns[group.groupid] = group
+        return returns.values()
     def add(self, srcfile = None):
         if not srcfile:
diff --git a/yum/misc.py b/yum/misc.py
index d710ad1..2b4dbfb 100644
--- a/yum/misc.py
+++ b/yum/misc.py
@@ -551,4 +551,13 @@ def to_str(obj):
         obj = str(obj)
     return obj
+def get_my_lang_code():
+    import locale
+    mylang = locale.getlocale()
+    if mylang == (None, None): # odd :)
+        mylang = 'C'
+    else:
+        mylang = '.'.join(mylang)
+    return mylang

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