[yum-git] 3 commits - cli.py test/check-po-yes-no.py test/yum-release-i18n-test.sh yummain.py

James Antill james at linux.duke.edu
Sat Apr 12 15:43:05 UTC 2008

 cli.py                        |   17 ++++-
 test/check-po-yes-no.py       |   74 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 test/yum-release-i18n-test.sh |  135 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 yummain.py                    |   18 +++--
 4 files changed, 235 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit fbe610e34be1e92bef9e254ceb8265126851d302
Author: James Antill <james at and.org>
Date:   Sat Apr 12 11:08:01 2008 -0400

    Add auto testing for i18n issues

diff --git a/test/yum-release-i18n-test.sh b/test/yum-release-i18n-test.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..aabc9ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/yum-release-i18n-test.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+#!/bin/bash -e
+### Settings ##########################################
+# Change to true, to not perform the "root" commands
+# Do we want full info/list output (takes a while, and outputs a _lot_)
+#  Do we want to play with the livna repo. includes install/remove
+# Pkg to add/remove/etc. from livna
+# Pkg that doesn't exist
+#  Run tests the "fail", like installing packages for which we don't have the
+# key. If you run these you need to look to see what the output is.
+# FIXME: need a more automated way to see if we are getting Unicode*Error
+I18N="C \
+ da_DA da_DA.UTF-8 \
+ de_DE de_DE.UTF-8 \
+ fr_FR fr_FR.UTF-8 \
+ it_IT it_IT.UTF-8 \
+ ms_MS ms_MS.UTF-8 \
+ nb_NB nb_NB.UTF-8 \
+ pl_PL pl_PL.UTF-8 \
+ pt_PT pt_PT.UTF-8 \
+ pt_BR pt_BR.UTF-8 \
+ ru_RU ru_RU.UTF-8 \
+ sr_SR sr_SR.UTF-8 sr_SR at latin sr_SR at latin.UTF-8 \
+ en_US en_US.UTF-8 \
+  echo $beg_hdr
+  echo "Doing: LANG=$lang yum --enablerepo=development $@"
+  echo $end_hdr
+  LANG=$lang yum --enablerepo=development $@
+  echo $beg_hdr
+  echo "Doing: LANG=$lang $SUDO_CMD yum $@"
+  echo $end_hdr
+  LANG=$lang $SUDO_CMD yum $@
+  $LIVNA echo $beg_hdr
+  $LIVNA echo "Doing: LANG=$lang yum --enablerepo=livna $@"
+  $LIVNA echo $end_hdr
+  $LIVNA LANG=$lang yum --enablerepo=livna $@
+  $LIVNA echo $beg_hdr
+  $LIVNA echo "Doing: LANG=$lang $SUDO_CMD yum --enablerepo=livna $@"
+  $LIVNA echo $end_hdr
+  $LIVNA LANG=$lang $SUDO_CMD yum --enablerepo=livna $@
+  # Using ¶ because it doesn't match anything
+  cmd search fedora linux ® $PKG_BAD ¶
+  cmd search fedora linux ® $PKG_BAD ¶ | cat
+  cmd list afflib libselinux linux $PKG_BAD ¶
+  cmd list afflib libselinux linux $PKG_BAD ¶ | cat
+  cmd info afflib libselinux linux $PKG_BAD ¶
+  cmd info afflib libselinux linux $PKG_BAD ¶ | cat
+  $FULL_PKG_OUTPUT && cmd list
+  $FULL_PKG_OUTPUT && cmd list | cat
+  $FULL_PKG_OUTPUT && cmd info
+  $FULL_PKG_OUTPUT && cmd info | cat
+  #  This always fails, so we need to "look" if it does so with an encoding
+  # problem or the real one
+  ($RUN_FAILURES && cmd help) || true
+  $RUN_FAILURES && sleep 5
+  #  This always fails, so we need to "look" if it does so with an encoding
+  # problem or the real one
+  ($RUN_FAILURES && (cmd help | cat)) || true
+  $RUN_FAILURES && sleep 5
+  for i in install remove check-update update list info provides; do
+    cmd help $i
+    cmd help $i | cat
+  done
+  cmd --help
+  cmd --help | cat
+  #  This always fails, so we need to "look" if it does so with an encoding
+  # problem or the real one
+  ($RUN_FAILURES && cmd) || true
+  $RUN_FAILURES && sleep 5
+  #  This always fails, so we need to "look" if it does so with an encoding
+  # problem or the real one
+  ($RUN_FAILURES && (cmd | cat)) || true
+  $RUN_FAILURES && sleep 5
+  scmd install bash
+  scmd install $PKG_BAD
+  scmd remove  $PKG_BAD
+  # Test livna, missing keys and install/remove
+  $LIVNA && $SUDO_CMD mv /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-livna .
+  ($LIVNA && $SUDO_CMD rpm -e gpg-pubkey-a109b1ec-3f6e28d5) || true
+  #  This always fails, so we need to "look" if it does so with an encoding
+  # problem or the real one
+  ($RUN_FAILURES && lcmd install $PKG_LIVNA) || true
+  $RUN_FAILURES && $LIVNA && sleep 2
+  $LIVNA && $SUDO_CMD mv RPM-GPG-KEY-livna /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/
+  lcmd install -y $PKG_LIVNA
+  lcmd remove  -y $PKG_LIVNA
+for lang in $I18N; do
+ tst
commit 761e58a85937e9c56c7387c4d535e77db1b27c7b
Author: James Antill <james at and.org>
Date:   Sat Apr 12 11:05:04 2008 -0400

     Move locale, so we don't die on unsupported locale's in getpreferredencoding
     Override optparses print_help() from --help, as it screws up the encoding.

diff --git a/cli.py b/cli.py
index d10e50c..46a5a8e 100644
--- a/cli.py
+++ b/cli.py
@@ -1091,6 +1091,10 @@ class YumOptionParser(OptionParser):
             root = '/'
         return root
+    def _wrapOptParseUsage(self, opt, value, parser, *args, **kwargs):
+        self.base.usage()
+        self.exit()
     def _addYumBasicOptions(self):
         def repo_optcb(optobj, opt, value, parser):
             '''Callback for the enablerepo and disablerepo option. 
@@ -1101,7 +1105,16 @@ class YumOptionParser(OptionParser):
             dest = eval('parser.values.%s' % optobj.dest)
             dest.append((opt, value))
+        # Note that we can't use the default action="help" because of the
+        # fact that print_help() unconditionally does .encode() ... which is
+        # bad on unicode input.
+        self.conflict_handler = "resolve"
+        self.add_option("-h", "--help", action="callback",
+                        callback=self._wrapOptParseUsage, 
+                help=_("show this help message and exit"))
+        self.conflict_handler = "error"
         self.add_option("-t", "--tolerant", action="store_true",
                 help=_("be tolerant of errors"))
         self.add_option("-C", dest="cacheonly", action="store_true",
@@ -1122,7 +1135,7 @@ class YumOptionParser(OptionParser):
         self.add_option("-q", "--quiet", dest="quiet", action="store_true",
                         help=_("quiet operation"))
         self.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true",
-                        help="verbose operation")
+                        help=_("verbose operation"))
         self.add_option("-y", dest="assumeyes", action="store_true",
                 help=_("answer yes for all questions"))
         self.add_option("--version", action="store_true", 
diff --git a/yummain.py b/yummain.py
index c949982..9421d02 100755
--- a/yummain.py
+++ b/yummain.py
@@ -33,6 +33,17 @@ import cli
 def main(args):
     """This does all the real work"""
+    # This test needs to be before locale.getpreferredencoding() as that
+    # does setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "")
+    try:
+        locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
+    except locale.Error, e:
+        # default to C locale if we get a failure.
+        print >> sys.stderr, 'Failed to set locale, defaulting to C'
+        os.environ['LC_ALL'] = 'C'
+        locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'C')
     if True: # not sys.stdout.isatty():
         import codecs
         sys.stdout = codecs.getwriter(locale.getpreferredencoding())(sys.stdout)
@@ -76,13 +87,6 @@ def main(args):
     logger = logging.getLogger("yum.main")
     verbose_logger = logging.getLogger("yum.verbose.main")
-    try:
-        locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
-    except locale.Error, e:
-        # default to C locale if we get a failure.
-        print >> sys.stderr, 'Failed to set locale, defaulting to C'
-        locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'C')
     # our core object for the cli
     base = cli.YumBaseCli()
commit 337ccc844e5d48498c6ca196c165d39f17f7affc
Author: James Antill <james at and.org>
Date:   Sat Apr 12 10:30:23 2008 -0400

    Add an automatic checker for the dependant yes/no translations

diff --git a/test/check-po-yes-no.py b/test/check-po-yes-no.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..735a3ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/check-po-yes-no.py
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python -tt
+# This is a simple command to check that "Is this ok [y/N]: " and yes and no
+# have either all been translated or none have been translated.
+import sys
+import glob
+for fname in glob.glob("po/*.po"):
+    next = None
+    is_this_ok = None
+    yes = None
+    y   = None
+    no  = None
+    n   = None
+    for line in file(fname):
+        if next is not None:
+            if next == 'is_this_ok':
+                if line == 'msgstr ""\n' or line.find('[y/N]') != -1:
+                    is_this_ok = False
+                else:
+                    is_this_ok = True
+            if next == 'yes':
+                yes = line != 'msgstr ""\n'
+            if next == 'y':
+                y   = line != 'msgstr ""\n'
+            if next == 'no':
+                no  = line != 'msgstr ""\n'
+            if next == 'n':
+                n   = line != 'msgstr ""\n'
+            next = None
+            continue
+        if line == 'msgid "Is this ok [y/N]: "\n':
+            next = 'is_this_ok'
+        if line == 'msgid "yes"\n':
+            next = 'yes'
+        if line == 'msgid "y"\n':
+            next = 'y'
+        if line == 'msgid "no"\n':
+            next = 'no'
+        if line == 'msgid "n"\n':
+            next = 'n'
+    if (is_this_ok is None or
+        yes is None or
+        y   is None or
+        no  is None or
+        n   is None):
+        print >>sys.stderr, """\
+ERROR: Can't find all the msg id's in %s
+is_this_ok %s
+yes %s
+y   %s
+no  %s
+n   %s
+""" % (fname,
+       is_this_ok is None,
+       yes is None,
+       y   is None,
+       no  is None,
+       n   is None)
+        sys.exit(1)
+    if (is_this_ok != yes or
+        is_this_ok != y or
+        is_this_ok != no or
+        is_this_ok != n):
+        print >>sys.stderr, """\
+ERROR: yes/no translations don't match in: %s
+is_this_ok %s
+yes %s
+y   %s
+no  %s
+n   %s
+""" % (fname,
+       is_this_ok, yes, y, no, n)

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