[yum-cvs] /yum-utils/plugins/security security.py,1.2,1.3

Tim Lauridsen timlau at linux.duke.edu
Tue May 8 07:54:20 UTC 2007

Update of /home/groups/yum/cvs//yum-utils/plugins/security
In directory login1.linux.duke.edu:/tmp/cvs-serv2079/plugins/security

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Added patch to security plugin by Luke Macken

Index: security.py
RCS file: /home/groups/yum/cvs//yum-utils/plugins/security/security.py,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.2 -r1.3
--- security.py	8 May 2007 07:52:30 -0000	1.2
+++ security.py	8 May 2007 07:54:18 -0000	1.3
@@ -103,39 +103,11 @@
     md = md.get_notice((pkg.name, pkg.ver, pkg.rel))
     if not md:
         return None
-    md = md.get_metadata()
     if rname and not ysp_has_info_md(rname, md):
         return None
     return ysp_should_filter_pkg(opts, pkg, md, used_map)
-def ysp_show_pkg_md_info(pkg, md, msg):
-    msg(pkg)
-    msg('  ID      ' + md['update_id'])
-    msg('  Type    ' + md['type'])
-    msg('  Issued  ' + md['issued'])
-    if md['issued'] != md['updated']:
-        msg('  Updated ' + md['updated'])
-    if md['references']:
-        msg('  References')
-        for ref in md['references']:
-            if ref['type'] == 'cve':
-                txt = "    CVE " + ref['id'];
-            elif ref['type'] == 'bugzilla':
-                txt = "    BZ  " + ref['id'];
-            else:
-                msg("   *" + ref['type'])
-            if 'summary' in ref:
-                if (len(txt) + len(ref['summary'])) <= 76:
-                    msg("%s: %s" % (txt, ref['summary']))
-                else:
-                    msg("%s: %.*s..." % (txt, 73 -len(txt), ref['summary']))
-            elif 'href' in ref and \
-                     (len(txt) + len(ref['href'])) <= 76:
-                msg("%s - %s" % (txt, ref['href']))
-            else:
-                msg(txt)
 def ysp_gen_used_map(opts):
     used_map = {'bugzilla' : {}, 'cve' : {}, 'id' : {}}
     for i in opts.advisory:
@@ -237,12 +209,7 @@
         return ['info-security', 'info-sec']
     def show_pkg(self, msg, pkg, md, disp=None):
-        ysp_show_pkg_md_info(pkg, md, msg)
-        if md['description'] != None:
-            msg('  Description')
-            msg(textwrap.fill(md['description'],
-                              width=75, expand_tabs=False,
-                              initial_indent="     ", subsequent_indent="    "))
+        msg(md)
 def config_hook(conduit):
@@ -305,7 +272,6 @@
     md = md.get_notice((pkg.name, pkg.ver, pkg.rel))
     if not md:
         return False
-    md = md.get_metadata()
     return ysp_should_filter_pkg(opts, pkg, md, used_map)

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