[yum-cvs] yum/yum depsolve.py,1.147,1.148

Jeremy Katz katzj at linux.duke.edu
Fri Mar 30 19:47:20 UTC 2007

Update of /home/groups/yum/cvs/yum/yum
In directory login1.linux.duke.edu:/tmp/cvs-serv28829/yum

Modified Files:
Log Message:
switch back to logic we were previously using on removal as it handled some
of the corner cases better.  but add checking to ensure that nothing in the
tsinfo requires the provide.  this should fix the problem where
  quux requires bar, bar is currently installed
  remove bar, install quux in same transaction

Index: depsolve.py
RCS file: /home/groups/yum/cvs/yum/yum/depsolve.py,v
retrieving revision 1.147
retrieving revision 1.148
diff -u -r1.147 -r1.148
--- depsolve.py	28 Mar 2007 08:48:48 -0000	1.147
+++ depsolve.py	30 Mar 2007 19:47:18 -0000	1.148
@@ -862,7 +862,7 @@
         p = pstats.Stats('yumprof')
-        p.sort_stats('time', 'calls')
+        p.sort_stats('time')
         return rc
@@ -1101,6 +1101,8 @@
             if prov[0].startswith("/usr/share/doc"): # XXX: ignore doc files
+#            if prov[0].startswith("/lib/modules") or prov[0].startswith("/usr/src/kernels"):
+                continue
             if newpoprovs.has_key(prov):
@@ -1138,69 +1140,110 @@
     def _requiredByPkg(self, prov):
         """check to see if anything will or does require the provide, return 
            list of requiring pkg objects if so"""
-        # check if anything installed needs it
-          # make sure installed item is not set to be removed/obsoleted
-          # make sure nothing else provides the same thing just as well
-        # check if anything in the ts set to be installed/updated requires it
-          # make sure nothing else provides the same thing just as well
         (r, f, v) = prov
-        removeList = []
-        # if anything else provides this as well and is installed or
-        # to be installed, then skip this whole step
-        other_provider = False
-        #tsSack = self.tsInfo.getMembers(None, TS_INSTALL_STATES, asSack=True)
-        potential_providers = self.rpmdb.searchProvides(r)
-        # FIXME the below is expensive - make it less so
-        for txmbr in self.tsInfo.getMembers(None, TS_INSTALL_STATES):
-            if r in txmbr.po.provides_names or r in txmbr.po.filelist:
-                potential_providers.append(txmbr.po)
-        for provpo in potential_providers:
-            if provpo.pkgtup in self._removing: # if we're going to be removed in the ts, it doesn't count
-                continue
+        removeList = []
+        # see what requires this provide name
-            if self.tsInfo.getMembers(provpo.pkgtup, TS_REMOVE_STATES): # if it's being removed in the ts, it doesn't count
+        potential_remove = []
+        for pkgtup in self.rpmdb.whatRequires(r, None, None):
+            # ignore stuff already being removed
+            if self.tsInfo.getMembers(pkgtup, TS_REMOVE_STATES):
-            if not provpo.checkPrco('provides', (r, f, v)): # if it doesn't actually provide the req, it doesn't count
+            if pkgtup in self._removing:
-            other_provider = True
+            instpo = self.getInstalledPackageObject(pkgtup)
+            potential_remove.append(instpo)
-        if other_provider:
-            return []
-        # see what requires this provide name
-        potential_remove = self.rpmdb.searchRequires(r)
-        # FIXME the below is expensive - make it less so
         for txmbr in self.tsInfo.getMembers(None, TS_INSTALL_STATES):
-            if r in txmbr.po.requires_names:
+            if r in txmbr.po.requires_names and txmbr.pkgtup not in self._removing:
-        for reqpo in potential_remove:
-            self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.DEBUG_2, "looking at %s as a requirement of %s", r, reqpo)
+        for instpo in potential_remove: #self.rpmdb.whatRequires(r, None, None):
+            pkgtup = instpo.pkgtup
+            self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.DEBUG_2, "looking at %s as a requirement of %s", r, pkgtup)                
             isok = False
             # ignore stuff already being removed
-            if self.tsInfo.getMembers(reqpo.pkgtup, TS_REMOVE_STATES):
+#             if self.tsInfo.getMembers(pkgtup, TS_REMOVE_STATES):
+#                 continue
+#             if pkgtup in self._removing:
+#                 continue
+#             instpo = self.getInstalledPackageObject(pkgtup)
+            # check to ensure that we really fulfill instpo's need for r
+            if not instpo.checkPrco('requires', (r,f,v)): 
-            # ignore stuff soon to be removed
-            if reqpo.pkgtup in self._removing:
+            # now see if anything else is providing what we need
+            for provtup in self.rpmdb.whatProvides(r, None, None):
+                # check if this provider is being removed
+                if provtup in self._removing:
+                    continue
+                if self.tsInfo.getMembers(provtup, TS_REMOVE_STATES):
+                    continue
+                provpo = self.getInstalledPackageObject(provtup)
+                if provpo in removeList:
+                    continue
+                # check if provpo actually satisfies instpo's need for r
+                # if so, we're golden
+                ok = True
+                for (rr, rf, rv) in instpo.requires:
+                    if rr != r:
+                        continue
+                    if not provpo.checkPrco('provides', (rr, rf, rv)):
+                        ok = False
+                if ok:
+                    isok = True
+                    break
+            if isok:
-            # check to ensure that we really fulfill instpo's need for r
-            if not reqpo.checkPrco('requires', (r,f,v)): 
+            # for files, we need to do a searchProvides() to take
+            # advantage of the shortcut of the files globbed into
+            # primary.xml.gz.  this is a bit of a hack, but saves us
+            # from having to download the filelists for a lot of cases
+            if r.startswith("/"):
+                for po in self.pkgSack.searchProvides(r):
+                    if self.tsInfo.getMembers(po.pkgtup, TS_INSTALL_STATES):
+                        isok = True
+                        break
+                for po in self.rpmdb.searchFiles(r):
+                    if not self.tsInfo.getMembers(po.pkgtup, TS_REMOVE_STATES):
+                        isok = True
+                        break
+            if isok:
-            if provpo in removeList: # if we already found it
+            # now do the same set of checks with packages that are
+            # set to be installed.  
+            for txmbr in self.tsInfo.getMembers(None, TS_INSTALL_STATES):
+                if txmbr.po.checkPrco('provides',
+                                      (r, None, (None,None,None))):
+                    ok = True
+                    for (rr, rf, rv) in instpo.requires:
+                        if rr != r:
+                            continue
+                        if not txmbr.po.checkPrco('provides', (rr, rf, rv)):
+                            ok = False
+                    if ok:
+                        isok = True
+                        break
+                # FIXME: it's ugly to have to check files separately here
+                elif r.startswith("/") and r in txmbr.po.filelist:
+                    isok = True
+                    break
+            if isok:
-            # otherwise, add it to the removeList
-            removeList.append(reqpo)
+            if not isok:
+                removeList.append(instpo)
         return removeList
 class DepCheck(object):
     """object that YumDepsolver uses to see what things are needed to close
        the transaction set. attributes: requires, conflicts are a list of 

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